Delaware Liberal

Religious Consistency

RSmitty brought this email to my attention, and while I don’t agree with all of it (especially the single mother nonsense) it is a refreshing read. Hmmm… wonder when this letter will be posted at Delaware Politics?  Surely, they would embrace this philosophy with open arms.

We are Bible believing, fundamentalist Christians.

Having read & believing the Bible in it’s entirety, someone needs to explain to us where the Bible justifies us having guns and especially using them. We know Bible believing Christians that are very concerned that Obama is going to take away their guns. I guess they don’t trust the Lord to take care of them.

I believe many people who call themselves fundamentalist Christians need to really study what the Bible says about dealing with our enemies, the poor and strangers. They need to understand what Jesus meant when he told us not to fear those who would will kill our bodies, but to fear Him who could send both body & soul to hell. (Not the exact quote).

The Bible also tells us that all leaders are essentially put in power by God (or God allows leaders to be in power). So these new Republicans need to explain to me how, if they believe the Bible, they can justify attacking Obama if the God they believe in has allowed him to be in power.

Here’s another point my husband and I talk about. We joke that Republicans are Pro-Life until birth. Then it’s the heck with you. You had the kid now you deal with it. Not our problem.

My husband and I are pro-life. We take the stand that every child needs a father and a mother. If you are not married and pregnant, give the child up for adoption or marry the father (wow-we agree with Coulter on something!). We have seen first hand and on more than one occasion what happens to the child when he grows up in a single mother household (when the mother became pregnant and did not marry the father). It is never a happy picture. We’ll say it again-children need a good father. A good grand father is no substitute for a good father.

We also believe homosexuality is a sin. That being said, we do not hate homosexuals. We let God be the judge. We feel that divorce between heterosexual couples is just as damaging to the sanctity of marriage as allowing homo sexuals to marry. But you will never hear that out of the sanctity of marriage Republicans.

Oh well, in a nutshell that’s our humble opinion. Keep the E-mails coming. You are doing a great job of keeping us informed. Hope all is well with you and your wife.

Thanks again.

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