Delaware Liberal

Final Sotomayor Hearings Open Thread

The Judiciary Committee finished the Sotomayor hearings yesterday. The total anti-climactic vote will be held sometime next week. Within the month, Sotomayor will be confirmed as the next Associated Justice of the Supreme Court. Cornyn, Sessions and Graham have all publicly stated that there will be no filibuster.

The last day of hearings was almost all witnesses. One witness in particular stands out, Frank Ricci of the much-discussed New Haven firefighters case.

You can decide for yourself whether Frank Ricci added anything to the hearings.

Senator Franken asked Sotomayor why she wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice.

There is one man who will bravely stand up and tell us about the terrible oppression of the white man, Pat Buchanan. Listen to him discussing this with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Someone remind me – why does MSNBC pay Pat Buchanan?

White people were 100% of the people who wrote the Constitution, 100% of the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence…the Country was built by white folks.

(You can watch the whole segment, starting here.)

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