R.I.P. Walter Cronkite

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009

News sources are reporting that legendary journalist Walter Cronkite, 92, has died.

“It is impossible to imagine CBS News, journalism or indeed America without Walter Cronkite,” Sean McManus, the president of CBS News, said in a statement. “More than just the best and most trusted anchor in history, he guided America through our crises, tragedies and also our victories and greatest moments.”

Mr. McManus added: “No matter what the news event was, Walter was always the consummate professional with an un-paralleled sense of compassion, integrity, humanity, warmth, and occasionally even humor. There will never be another figure in American history who will hold the position Walter held in our minds, our hearts and on the television. We were blessed to have this man in our lives and words cannot describe how much he will be missed by those of us at CBS News and by all of America.”

Mike Wallace, the “60 Minutes” correspondent emeritus, said simply in a statement, “We were proud to work with him — for him — we loved him.”

Walter Cronkite announces President Kennedy’s assassination:

Walter Cronkite on Vietnam:


Walter Cronkite on MLK’s assassination:


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Murrow had McCarthy, Cronkite had Vietnam. For that Walter, the country is forever in your debt. And that was the way it is.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    This is heartbreaking. He’s been out of the news business for awhile, but it feels like Cronkite probably took the last of real news credibility with him. RIP, Mr. Cronkite.

  3. MJ says:

    Another part of my youth slips away. His reporting of the moon landing 40 years ago was breathtaking! He was the best there was, along with Chet Huntley and David Brinkley. He will be missed.

  4. Perry says:

    It is really sad how some of the wingnuts cannot restrain themselves, like here: http://commonsensepoliticalthought.com/?p=6489

    I have always been an admirer of Walter Cronkite’s performance as a news anchor and for his first class reporting.

    His occasional editorializing was more than anything else an outburst of the emotion of the moment, like Kennedy’s death, like the man on the moon, like the Tet Offensive, like the 1968 DNC in Chicago. I hardly fault him for these.

    Walter Cronkite, a man of integrity and sensitivity: RIP

  5. Art Downs says:

    Cronkite had his agenda and never let the truth get in his way.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Hysterical and classless. A typical description of a right wing loon. This from someone who thinks Fox News is fair and balanced.

  7. callerRick says:

    Turn N. Vietnam’s crushing ‘Tet offensive’ defeat into a victory. What a hero.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Man, Art and Rick are delusional…

    Unfortunately the true contribution of Cronkite won’t be celebrated properly. Here’s why:


    This is a great post from Greenwald.

  9. jason330 says:


    The 21%ers have gone through a complete psychotic break with reality. I have nothing more to say to any of them.

  10. The 21%ers have gone through a complete psychotic break with reality. I have nothing more to say to any of them

    The shame Amish is that it took you too long to discover this.