Delaware Liberal

Georgetown Delaware Wingnut Birther Lady Now Officially Famous

Rush Limbaugh (link) used her on his radio show today to illustrate his claim that “there’s (birther anger) bubbling up out there.”

RUSH: State of Delaware, Mike Castle, town meeting, woman wants to know why nobody’s interested in the fact that he hasn’t shown anybody his birth certificate. If you couldn’t understand her, she was saying he’s a citizen of Kenya. I’m American. My father worked, fought in World War II, the greatest generation, Pacific theater for this country, and I don’t want this flag to change. The crowd went nuts. There’s all kinds of stuff bubbling up out there.

So can we put a name to this famous wingnut lady yet? And what has this done for Mike Castle? Has becoming the patrician-aloof-condescending-old-guard-mainline-Republican-birther-sceptic-poster-child made it easier for Christine O’Donnell to raise money?

For that matter – where is Christine on this?

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