Delaware Liberal

The Wingnutz Are Coming! The Wingnutz Are Coming!

Via Wonkette, the wingnutz over at Freeperland are fantasizing about overthrowing the government:

This would be terrifying if it wasn’t about some lamer old wingnuts and their message board: The person who runs is cold gonna overthrow the U.S. government — that means you, blackenstein — and ho ho, no more taxes on the millionaires! Hooray! Anyway, folks, things are getting Seriously Weird with the wingnuts, birthers, paultards and other middle-aged white suckers who bought into that whole Reagan thing 30 years ago and, whoops, are still poor and doomed.

And then, in 2008, Americans mysteriously voted in droves for a common African Soviet from, er, Hawaii, who has been president now for what, six months? And this NON-PRESIDENT is, uhm, trying to get some health coverage for these poor dumb AM-radio listeners, so …. OVERTHROW THE GUBMINT.

You’ll have to get to the Freepers via Wonkette — it is against my Kenyan religion to link over there. But it is a hoot. You can smell the Cheetos from here….

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