What kind of a turtle is this?
This morning leaving my home I saw this turtle right by my garage. I’m looking to see what kind of a turtle it is. I live in sort of a wooded area and set him back towards the woods. Now as I try to determine what type he/she is, I’m wondering if it is a native species. Thanks!
That looks like a juvenile Eastern Box Turtle, but I have only slightly more experience in that as a pilotician does winning elections.
Agree its commonly known as a Eastern Box Turtle, but in reality its an Eastern Box Tortoise.
Tortoises are land, turtles are sea.
Confusion regarding the sex of the turtle can be solved by licking its hind end; while this may or may not tell you anything, the turtle likes it.
They were common when I was a kid; now they are endangered.
Endangered yes, but officially not endangered.
They were extremely common when I was a kid, but I haven’t seen any for years.
Thanks, DV.
We have them down here in Rehoboth (actually my dog has found a few and tries to play with them).
Endangered yes, but officially not endangered.
I think they have been scared away by humans like Dave M who apparently prefer to lick their hind ends (the tortoise’s, not his own)!!! 😯
It is true that their appearances are way down. Where I spent the early parts of my life (pre-Edgemoor days, so from just after my 10th birthday and earlier), in NWern Newark, we used to see tons of them (nice stretches of wooded land there). In Edgemoor? Right, whatever. Ever since then, I’ve either lived in highly populated areas or new construction of close density, so no Eastern Box TORTOISES ever since.
Hold on to that pic, DV. You just may have a rare find these days.
Yes, it’s a box turtle. The were way more prevalent 40 years ago. I just had a visitation from one in my yard in Ocean View last week. It could have been this one’s twin.
we get them here in Lincoln/Ellendale area and we also see some Eastern Painted ones. The dogs are very confused by box turtles when they find them.