Delaware Liberal

All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.

Alert Steve Newton, the guardian of free speech. I am about to do it again. Yes, that whacky Delaware Dem is going to take issue with intimidations of political violence from a leading conservative. Ironic? Not at all. Indeed, I speak with authority here, for when I stupidly called for Republicans to be round up and shot over six months ago, I was roundly and loudly condemned by all, and still to this day, despite my repeated and sincere apologies for my hyperbole, and still criticized by the likes of Hube. So that, and my moral conscience, tells me that threats of political violence are very very wrong and should be condemned.

Yet, there seems to be a double standard here. When a Democrat or liberal does it, it is pure evil and unforgivable. When a conservative or a Republican does it, it is protected free speech and those criticizing it are tyrannical despots intent to demonizing dissent.

Randall Terry, the very moral founder of Operation Rescue and a prominent anti-choice activist, who cheered the murder of Dr. Tiller back in April, now says that America should expect more domestic terrorism if…. God forbid …. we enact universal healthcare for all Americans. Yes, there is nothing more evil and unChristian than to provide healthcare to those without.

And yes, saying “God forbid” does not excuse Mr. Terry here.

Now, to placate Mr. Newton, I will say the following disclaimer: Mr. Terry is free to make a complete and total ass of himself whenever he chooses by spewing such vile statements. No where in this post will I suggest that Mr. Terry does not have the right to say what he wants, or that action should be taken to silence him. What I will say is that words have consequences, and that I have every right to connect the dots between violent rhetoric and violent acts.

Randall Terry is giving a pass to those who disagree with the President to commit “random acts of violence” against “those deemed guilty.” He’s putting the idea in their heads that violence against the “guilty” is a reasonable response to political differences.

All of this has happened before and it will happen again.

Dr. Tiller. Three police officers in Pittsburgh. Liberal churchgoers in Tennessee. A security guard at the Holocaust Museum. Ruby Ridge. Waco. Oklahoma City. Abortion clinic bombings. The Olympic Park bombing.

Thus, if someone gets killed, or if violence occurs, then I will blame Mr. Terry and any one who agrees with him, and any one who does not condemn his remarks. For you see, if it was right to condemn me for my inane remarks last September, than it is right for the very same people to condemn Mr. Terry. And, Mr. Newton, a condemnation of freely spoken remarks, and assigning responsibility for the consequences of words to the speaker and his supporters, does not violate free speech. Indeed, it protects it. For if it becomes acceptable to threaten violence and death over political differences, pretty soon there will be no political differences.

Fear threatens free speech and debate. And all Mr. Terry and those like him and those who agree with him are doing is instilling fear in those who want universal healthcare, or want reproductive choice. He is trying to end the debate by scaring his political opponents. That should offend you, Mr. Newton. Yet, I suspect you will criticize me for this post.

Indeed, I suspect no condemnations of Mr. Terry will be forthcoming. The double standard endures. If any liberal organization went anywhere near this crazy in predicting “random acts of violence” against those deemed “guilty,” you know Democratic members of Congress would be falling all over themselves to apologize from the floor of the House and Senate, and all media and all Republicans would be full OUTRAGE mode. Look what happened with MoveOn and the “Betrayus” ad.

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