Delaware Liberal

They Just Can’t Help Themselves

You probably guessed it, yet another Republican has been caught sending out racist emails about President Obama. TPM has the details:

On Sunday night, Dr. David McKalip forwarded to fellow members of a Google listserv affiliated with the Tea Party movement the image below. Above it, he wrote: “Funny stuff.”

I know some will accuse me of nutpicking, but TPM has more details about Dr. McKalip, who is a member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association.

But McKalip isn’t just some random winger. He’s a Florida neurosurgeon, who serves as a member of the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates.

He’s also an energetic conservative opponent of health-care reform. McKalip founded the anti-reform group Doctors For Patient Freedom, as well as what seems to be a now defunct group called Cut Taxes Now. Last month he joined GOP congressmen Tom Price and Phil Gingrey, among others, for a virtual town hall to warn about the coming “government takeover of medicine.” And in a recent anti-reform op-ed published in the St. Petersburg Times, McKalip wrote that “Congress wants to create larger, government-funded programs for health care and more bureaucracy that ration care and impose cookbook medicine.”

The election of the first African-American president has brought a virulent strain of racism out into the open. I just hope it doesn’t lead to violence.

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