They Just Can’t Help Themselves

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009

You probably guessed it, yet another Republican has been caught sending out racist emails about President Obama. TPM has the details:

On Sunday night, Dr. David McKalip forwarded to fellow members of a Google listserv affiliated with the Tea Party movement the image below. Above it, he wrote: “Funny stuff.”

I know some will accuse me of nutpicking, but TPM has more details about Dr. McKalip, who is a member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association.

But McKalip isn’t just some random winger. He’s a Florida neurosurgeon, who serves as a member of the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates.

He’s also an energetic conservative opponent of health-care reform. McKalip founded the anti-reform group Doctors For Patient Freedom, as well as what seems to be a now defunct group called Cut Taxes Now. Last month he joined GOP congressmen Tom Price and Phil Gingrey, among others, for a virtual town hall to warn about the coming “government takeover of medicine.” And in a recent anti-reform op-ed published in the St. Petersburg Times, McKalip wrote that “Congress wants to create larger, government-funded programs for health care and more bureaucracy that ration care and impose cookbook medicine.”

The election of the first African-American president has brought a virulent strain of racism out into the open. I just hope it doesn’t lead to violence.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (38)

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think we may be trying to hold Republicans to an unreasonable standard of common decency.

  2. MJ says:

    Of course, the Gaffneys/Colleys/Morrises of Delaware are going to say we’re (1) overreacting and (2) did the same thing to W.

  3. So true, MJ. They always find some Democrat somewhere who did something to offend them as a reason it’s ok to make racist comments about President Obama. Situational ethics and IOKIYAR.

  4. farsider says:

    Now I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.

  5. jason330 says:

    I’m not surprised that you think that.

  6. farsider says:

    If you cannot see the humor in that you have no sense of humor.

  7. And herein we have the problem.

    A president untrained in medicine is proposing a massive restructuring of our entire healthcare system.

    Were he a white man, no one would think twice about this depiction of that president as a witch doctor — and many of us on both sides of the political aisle would be amused by that depiction.

    But we don’t have a white man in the Oval office. We have barack Obama.

    I say tonight what I said back during the chimp cartoon controversy — Are we to treat Obama as a BLACK MAN who happens to be a president, or as a PRESIDENT who happens to be a black man? If the former, then America is not ready for an African-American in the Oval Office. If the former, the racial grievance lobby has to quit crying racism every time Obama is criticized, opposed, or mocked.

    Personally, I believe America is ready for an African-American President, and believe that we as a nation do Barack Obama no favors if we let his race overshadow his office and insist that he not be treated — for good or ill — like every other president has been and will be treated. The question is — do you who claim to be his supporters believe the same?

  8. jason330 says:

    I’m not sure “humor” means what you think it means.

  9. Suzanne says:

    Racism and bigotry are not the same as humor – unfortunatly the right wing nuts seem to forget/ignore that.

  10. jason330 says:

    RwR you are so full of shit is beyond absurd.

    Were he a white man, no one would think twice about this depiction of that president as a witch doctor

    Really? Let’s be honest. Neither you or ” farsider” think the picture is funny. You just think that it is funny to make asses out of yourselves. We get it. It is 7th grade 24/7 for you guys dumb fucks. .

    Have fun & that’s all I have to say about that.

  11. farsider says:

    I actually think it is hilarious. You can get down off your cross for a moment.

  12. Actually, Jason, the picture saddens me because it allows folks like YOU to make a false claim about Republicans and race.

    I see a failed attempt at political commentary on an ill-advised part of Obama’s program for America. You see an intentional racial attack on Obama.

    But then again, I view Obama as a PRESIDENT who happens to be a black man. You view Obama as a BLACK MAN who happens to be a president.

  13. jason330 says:

    Have fun & that’s all I have to say about that.

  14. I don’t get the witch doctor humor but the health care plan by Obama will ruin health care in America.

    “I just hope it doesn’t lead to violence”. Trust me, it won’t. No one cares.

    Mike Protack

  15. Conservatives wonder why there are very few conservative comedians. If they ever wonder, they should read this thread.

  16. “I just hope it doesn’t lead to violence”. Trust me, it won’t. No one cares.

    I certainly care if there’s violence.

    When I titled this post “They Just Can’t Help Themselves” I was also thinking about Republican apologists. I think I’ve been proven right about that too.

  17. Susan Regis Collins says:

    “Get a brain Morans”…….now that’s funny. 😉
    The photoshopped witchdoctor pix not so much.

  18. Geezer says:

    “Were he a white man, no one would think twice about this depiction of that president as a witch doctor — and many of us on both sides of the political aisle would be amused by that depiction.”

    Were he a white man, nobody would think to depict him as a witch doctor. A white witch doctor makes no sense, and therefore nobody would think to depict George W. Bush as a witch doctor.

    Wait a sec. Come to think of it, Harry Shearer did a CD of (not very) humorous songs satirizing (or mocking, depending on your point of view) W. The cover was W. with a bone through his nose (a “Bushman” — get it? Ha ha.) Right-wingers reacted quite badly to it. In short, only one side of the aisle seemed to find it funny, even without the racism angle. Add the potential for racist intent and it’s not surprising that people react to it with disgust.

  19. Art Downs says:

    Obama is a hack lawyer who can read a good speech. However, the image of him is insulting. Insulting to the witch doctors of the world.

  20. Thanks for showing how similar depictions of Bush and Obama are once again treated disparately by you liberals. It once again illustrates the willingness of you liberals to pull out the race card against any anti-Obama activity.

    Like I said, it is all a matter of how you look at Obama. I see him as a PRESIDENT who happens to be black, while you see him as a BLACK MAN who happens to be a president.

  21. Geezer says:

    No, you’re missing the point. Intentionally, I believe. You speak as if history started with your birth, and that your belief that we’re all equal settles the entire question. Do various people play the victim card — which is, after all, what the race card is — when it’s inappropriate? Of course. Does that mean it’s always inappropriate to point out such behavior? Of course not.

    Your mind is clearly not open, and your empathy is sorely lacking. You would have made a good Catholic priest.

  22. Gee — anti-Catholicism in addition to inappropriately plying the race card. You really are a bigot, Geezer!

    And notice, my comments are specific to Barack Obama. Either we treat him as PRESIDENT and accept that his receiving the same sort of treatment as other presidents (good and bad) goes with the office OR we treat him as a BLACK MAN and continue to sow racial division and distrust. I choose the former — you choose the latter.

  23. The douchebag apologizes:


    McKalip apologizes for sending insensitive image via e-mail

    St. Petersburg, FL (July 23, 2009) – David McKalip, M.D., brain and spine neurosurgeon of St. Petersburg has never been shy in expressing where he stands regarding President Barack Obama’s health-care reform. Despite McKalip’s position on health system reform, he sends a sincere apology for a forwarded image of President Obama in an e-mail depicting the president in Papua New Guinean tribal garb with a logo beneath it saying, “Obama Care.”

    “I genuinely regret the decision I made in passing this e-mail message along. Directly to President Obama, I sincerely apologize for offending him. This was, in no way whatsoever, my intention. The image has nothing to do with my feelings or thoughts on any race or culture. I recognize that this image is offensive and hope that the nation refocuses on assuring all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care with no party interfering in the patient-physician relationship. My intention is to focus directly on the issue at hand, which is putting financial and decision-making power into the hands of patients and taking it from government and insurance companies,” said McKalip.

    The image forwarded was from a long chain of e-mails and not created by McKalip.

    Yes, they are always sorry after they get caught. At least this one seems a little more sincere than the standard non-apology apology. It looks like Dr. McKalip is getting some heat. The Florida AMA put out a press release criticizing him and a Florida legislator is getting involved as well.

  24. anonone says:

    Rhymes With Spigot:

    Being called a bigot by you, a southerner who thinks that anti-discrimination laws should be overturned, is absurd. Your disgusting and despicable views that discrimination should be legally enforced by the government is enough to deny your other views any respect or worthiness of consideration.

  25. short stuff says:

    “Either we treat him as PRESIDENT and accept that his receiving the same sort of treatment as other presidents (good and bad) goes with the office”

    That’s pretty funny that we’re talking about Obama being treated like other Presidents… I don’t remember anyone questioning W’s birth certificate…

    But you’re right, we’re definitely treating him as a President who happens to be black because we’re never, EVER questioning the fact that he’s a real American.

  26. Geezer says:

    “Gee — anti-Catholicism in addition to inappropriately plying the race card. You really are a bigot, Geezer”

    Never claimed otherwise — unlike you. You should know that I also think poorly of high school teachers, so that’s a point against you, too. And that my anti-Catholicism was earned the hard way — by being brought up in that particularly anti-intellectual, authoritarian belief system.

    By the way, trolling web sites you disagree with is pretty much the definition of intellectual masturbation. Something else Catholic priest-wannabes must get pretty good at.

  27. Your disgusting and despicable misrepresentation om my position on racism and the public/private discrimination dichotomy is enough to deny your other views any respect or worthiness of consideration.

    And interestingly enough, I’m not a southerner — I’m a Yankee born and raised, and the proud descendant of a Union Army soldier who was present at the founding of the Illinois GOP.

  28. Short Stuff — I’ve been arguing that Obama is a natural-born citizen for about a year now, thought I think releasing the vault copy of his birth certificate is important from the standpoint of settling any question of the legitimacy of his holding the office to which he was elected.

    Oddly enough, you folks never stopped questioning Bush’s legitimacy as president despite clear evidence that he won based upon the standard set by the Constitution and the laws of the state of Florida — and some even continued to question his legitimacy even after his 2004 election victory (I recall one blogger arguing that his 2004 victory was illegitimate because it was “tainted” by the 2000 victory).

  29. Might shock you to know that I’m an ex-Catholic as well — but i won’t get into the reasons for my departure from the Catholic fold other than to say that it was based upon a solid examination of theological claims of “unchanging tradition” that did not line up with certain inconvenient documented historical facts. Unlike you, though, I’m not embittered and hateful over the separation.

    And based upon your anti-educator comment, I’m pretty clear on the sort of student, parent, and citizen you actually are. ‘Nuff said.

    And it might surprise you to know that this is the ONLY liberal site I comment on. I find much of the discussion edifying, and sincerely respect certain of the regulars here (cassandra in particular — she reminds me of my darling wife). Why do I do it? engagement, debate, and the exchange of ideas is a part of a healthy body politic, and so I want to do my part towards that end.

  30. Geezer says:

    “Your disgusting and despicable misrepresentation of my position … is enough to deny your other views any respect or worthiness of consideration.”

    As usual, you are exactly what you criticize.

    And, as usual, you have no answer for the real question, to wit: Why you spend your days chatting with people you know will disagree with you? And no, I don’t want an answer.

    Rather, it’s a question you should ask yourself. Be honest with yourself when you answer. Because there are no answers which produce the noble soul you clearly see yourself as.

  31. Geezer says:

    “Unlike you, though, I’m not embittered and hateful over the separation”

    No, of course you’re not. Your kind never is. It’s the biggest sins you’re best at overlooking.

    “And based upon your anti-educator comment, I’m pretty clear on the sort of student, parent, and citizen you actually are. ‘Nuff said.”

    And your ability to jump to such a conclusion on the slenderest of evidence shows what kind of student, parent and citizen you actually are. The difference is I don’t flatter myself, and it’s about all you do.

  32. anonone says:

    And it might surprise you to know that this is the ONLY liberal site I comment on.

    Why? Probably been banned on most others.

  33. short stuff says:

    “Short Stuff — I’ve been arguing that Obama is a natural-born citizen for about a year now, thought I think releasing the vault copy of his birth certificate is important from the standpoint of settling any question of the legitimacy of his holding the office to which he was elected.”

    You absolutely proved my point just by your statement… Did we ask W for his birth certificate? Did anyone question the fact that he was an “American”? No, I think not. It further proves the fact that we’re not questioning his legitimacy based on any factual or definitive form of validation rather, it’s because he’s not white. It proves that we as a country are certainly not where we should be as it comes to the question of black or white, or yellow, or brown, or purple, or blue. So, since it’s been debunked by several, several known sources already, why is it still in question? What do the Limbaugh’s out there want? They want a white guy to run the show as it’s only proper that it’s done that way.

    We’re in a new era my friend. Unfortunately, everyone will eventually look a lot like my kids.

    “Oddly enough, you folks never stopped questioning Bush’s legitimacy as president despite clear evidence that he won based upon the standard set by the Constitution and the laws of the state of Florida — and some even continued to question his legitimacy even after his 2004 election victory (I recall one blogger arguing that his 2004 victory was illegitimate because it was “tainted” by the 2000 victory).”

    A matter of question as to the results of an election is hardly the same as questioning a man’s citizenship simply because he’s not a Bush, or a Reagan or a descedant of those families. As a veteran, I could not support someone who sought to destroy the lives of several families and place my brethren in harms way to keep the premise that the “boogeyman” still exists and keep his country in fear in order to further his own selfish pursuit. It’s one thing to protect a country, it’s another to lie your way into conducting a war that had no merit and at the cost of so many lives. THAT, is unforgivable. THAT is what should be questioned.

  34. Tell me — is this picture acceptable humor or racism?

  35. MJ says:

    Again, RWR just happens to have this stuff at his fingertips. How many “K’s” are in your real name? Just saying…………

  36. None — it was posted at a major conservative blog, Gateway Pundit, to make a point about the faux outrage of so many liberals who are ever ready to scream “racist” when they don’t have a legitimate argument.

  37. anon says:

    How many “K’s” are in your real name?


    Hmmm…. I’d like to buy a vowel?

  38. callerRick says:

    “….by being brought up in that (Catholic) particularly anti-intellectual, authoritarian belief system……”

    ….that built the modern Western world.