Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009

People that have cancer and other really expensive health issues shouldnt NOT be allowed coverage in my helath plan.  The last fucking thing I want to do is have to spend my hard earned money on keeping them alive.  Besides, how is the CEO running that company supposed to make a living if we keep paying out on health care plans!?

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    We can always turn over our sickest to the Kosher Nostra who will pay $10,000 for your kidney, then resell it to some rich freak for $160,000. Lets let the Kosher Nostra handle all the serious health care issues.

  2. anon says:

    pay $10,000 for your kidney, then resell it to some rich freak for $160,000

    Otherwise known as “redistribution of health.”

  3. jason330 says:

    Wingnut Translation into English: “Kosher Nostra”…get it? I don’t like jews.

  4. AnotherAnon says:

    Hmmm…. now that we have a possibly anti-Semitic “anon” I may have to find a name.

  5. “Kosher Nostra”?





  6. Which is why Obama care is so bad for America. There will be dollar rationing for all of us.

    In Britain the dollar figure is $35,000 for an annual expenditure. If the treatment is more than that amount, sorry you don’t get it.

    Once again Liberals have ruined a chance to make a difference. Obama is a total failure.

    Mike Protack

  7. jason330 says:

    Because anon doesn’t like jews? Protack has given up on even trying to make sense.

  8. anon says:

    There will be dollar rationing for all of us.

    There already is… that’s why we need reform now.

  9. Bob says:

    The University of Delaware should have a Medical School. We should have built the Christiana Hospital in Newark and made it a part of the U of D.

    The simple answer to better more affordable health care is more doctors, more hospitals, more clinics and changes to the law governing interstate insurance to allow small business to bundle their employees into larger groups for more discounts….exactly like the federal government does with their employees.

    The complicated answer is to legally destroy the best healh care in the world for politicians more concerned with votes and hope that they do better than government run Veterans Hospitals or are more cost effective than than Medicare, Medicade or anything else an impersonal, unaccountable faceless government has ever done.

    Are there no individual Democrat or Republican citizens left anywhere who can’t do better than the current 1,000 page nightmare in Congress?

    Do Democrats not cheerfully work side by side with Republicans every day in thousands of other successful business enterprises?

    Do Democrats not live side by side with Republican neighbors?

    What ever happened to We…We the people? It seems like a lot of the people posting on this site are in a state of perpetual war with their neighbors.

  10. Dana says:

    Well, the Administration is pretty pissed off because the Congressional Budget Office had the unmitigated gall to actually calculate the costs — or try to, anyway — of ObamaCare, and concluded that no, it won’t save any money over the next ten years.

    And how have our friends in wonderful, enlightened, liberal Holland done things?

    Many old people now fear Dutch hospitals. More than 10% of senior citizens who responded to a recent survey, which did not mention euthanasia, volunteered that they feared being killed by their doctors without their consent. One senior-citizen group printed up wallet cards that tell doctors that the cardholder opposes euthanasia. . . .

    The path to the death culture began when doctors learned to think like accountants. As the cost of socialized medicine in the Netherlands grew, doctors were lectured about the importance of keeping expenses down. In many hospitals, signs were posted indicating how much old-age treatments cost taxpayers. The result was a growing “social pressure” from doctors and others, says Arno Heltzel, a spokesman for the Catholic Union of the Elderly, the largest Dutch senior-citizen group, which favors voluntary euthanasia. “Old people have to excuse themselves for living. When they say that all of their friends are dead, people say, ‘Maybe it is time for you to go too,’ rather than, ‘You need to find new friends.’ “

  11. anon says:

    no, it won’t save any money over the next ten years.

    It’s HEALTH CARE dummy not a friggin’ 401(k). It’s not supposed to save money, it’s supposed to save lives.

  12. Progressive Mom says:

    Bob — you’re right that we need more docs and clinics; perhaps not hospitals and probably not more medical schools.

    But a good start in keeping costs down would be finding a better way to fund medical education and a better method of calculating payment to docs who don’t sell procedures (like family practice, gerentology, pediatrics, etc.). Routine care in many parts of this country is already “rationed” because there’s too few docs; specialty care is given only to those who can afford it (and, in our house, we’ve learned that having employer-sponsored insurance still doesn’t mean that we can afford specialty care). But more students want to graduate in specialty care for the golden salaries at the end of their very expensive educational rainbow.

    Finally, the co-ops will work only if everyone has to get coverage. Especially in small businesses, a disproportionate percentage of employees electing to pay for their coverage are older, creating adverse selection and driving up the cost of the coverage. And they will only work if the coops and the regular insurers must provide the same floor-coverage plans.

    Unfortunately, in this complicated and large country, it probably takes 1000 pages to get the legislation on the table, no matter what it says.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    So while Dana does his happy dance that maybe lots more people will continue to live with the broken insurance system we have now, he presumes that people here are not following the status of this bill (actually multiple bills).
    1. The CBO scored an incomplete effort and needed to make alot of assumptions to get to their score. Those assumptions are conservative ones, which is fine, but this score is not yet the end of the road.

    2. The CBO is right that the bills as they exist today do little to reduce the overall costs. It is something of a reach to say that the Admin is mad over this (since if you had some evidence of it you would have posted it), since they’ve been doing nothing but agreeing with that assessment. Why do you think that Orzag has been the negotiating face since the score came out? Team Obama could have headed this kind of thing off at the pass if they had just submitted their own bill.

    3. That article about Holland’s old people? It comes from the WSJ opinion page. Opinion Page. What this means is that even Rupert Murdoch’s minions didn’t think enough of this article as real journalism to put it in the reported part of the paper or website. Use this as gospel at the risk of just looking ignorant.

    You would have been better off keeping this on your own website, where people really don’t know better.

  14. Bob says:

    Dana….Great post….next they’ll get rid of the mentally challenged children…they are worse than the elderly becuse they are a drag on society’s socialized medicine for decades not just a few sunset years…then they will get rid of the handicapped and accident victims…who needs to care for people so badly damaged by cars and motorcycles…and again they will drain the state’s resources for decades….

    Hmmmmm now what about those undesirables????


  15. Bob says:

    Progressive Mom….A 1,000 pages won’t begin to cover a country or health care industry so large as ours…what we need are 1,000s of individuals solving the prolem in a 1,000 different ways.

    A group of politicans will ever get it right. They will be tinkering and tweeking their big government nightmare forever.

    The whole system is an ongoing work in progress and I’d rather trust some creative people interested in making a living in the industry rather than a politican interested in making a name.

  16. Bob says:

    Cassandra: >>>>You would have been better off keeping this on your own website, where people really don’t know better.<<<<

    "your own website"??? If you get into a car accident do you ask the EMS or ER people if they are Republicans or Democrats? Go Blue Team…Yeah Blue Team….Win Win Win Blue Team….right Cassandra.

  17. anoni says:

    “you’re right that we need more docs … not more medical schools.”

    PM where do you think Doctors come from?

  18. cassandra_m says:

    If you get into a car accident do you ask the EMS or ER people if they are Republicans or Democrats?

    Why would I? I have no expectation that the EMS or ER people will try to treat me with snake oil, which is pretty much what Dana is peddling here and you seem to be happy with.

  19. anoni says:

    >>PG 203 Line 14-15 HC – “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax”<<

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Hey anoni is playing along with Sarah Palin Day!

    That’s awesome, you betcha!

  21. anoni says:

    I am? how so?

  22. aren’t you one of those idiots that believes O isn’t a citizen and was pals with a domestic terrorist?

    How are you not?

  23. Progressive Mom says:

    There’s plenty of room in medical schools for U.S. candidates — but there isn’t much money to put them through. U.S. medical schools take significant number of candidates from foreign countries, and those doctors often (not always) return home. The average U.S. medical student can expect after-education indebtedness of more than $137,000 (in 2007, AMA stats). This is why many are not selecting primary care roles where salaries are much lower than specialties.

    That’s why we need more doctors. And a better, more defined role for nurse practitioners.

    But not necessarily more medical schools. Unless we radically change the way we fund medical education, we won’t have sufficient U.S. candidates to fill the slots.

    To answer your question, though: doctors grow on trees. In the orchard, right next to the medical schools.

  24. the AMA is a Union. Let’s reflect on that for a second….

  25. anoni says:

    no, yes, and what does “playing along with Sarah Palin Day!” mean?

  26. cassandra_m says:

    It means stringing together a bunch of words that have little to no meaning taken together. You get bonus points for fancy pagent walking while doing said stringing together of words.

  27. anoni says:

    well cassy, if you mean these words:
    >>PG 203 Line 14-15 HC – “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax”<<

    they a lifted from the Obamacare bill you keep championing,

  28. cassandra_m says:

    And lifted — one can tell without even checking — completely without any of its context too. So once again you know we are no where near as gullible as you. And once again know that you have already established that you will post bad data here without checking to see if it actually embarrasses you. Really, pal, you need to sell this crap where people aren’t going to backcheck your info.

  29. anoni says:

    please cassy, explain the context.

  30. anoni says:

    you claim to have read the whole bill, pleas explain the context:

    >>PG 203 Line 14-15 HC – “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax”<<