Delaware Liberal

Frightening on so many levels

yooI’m speechless.  They just make up memo’s so they can/could break the law.

“The president has ample constitutional and statutory authority to deploy the military against international or foreign terrorists operating within the United States,” the memorandum said.

The memorandum — written by the lawyers John C. Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty — was directed to Alberto R. Gonzales, then the White House counsel, who had asked the department about a president’s authority to use the military to combat terrorist activities in the United States.

The memorandum was declassified in March. But the White House debate about the Lackawanna group is the first evidence that top American officials, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, actually considered using the document to justify deploying the military into an American town to make arrests

It is just truly amazing to read this stuff. What sickens me even more are the apologists and defenders. How? How can people say this is acceptable? Can people see past their noxes and 20/30/40 years from now. Don’t they understand what this means for the citizens of the country and our freedoms? I mean, they have us fighting against ourselves. Morons arguing about the 2nd Ammendment? Are you kidding me? They have a merry band of lackies ready to accept and do whatever they are asked to do. It so blatantly obvious, yet, no big deal to some. Too many people find this acceptable and it is sad.

Still, at least one high-level meeting was convened to debate the issue, at which several top Bush aides argued firmly against the proposal to use the military, advanced by Mr. Cheney, his legal adviser David S. Addington and some senior Defense Department officials.

I think people forget that Cheney worked for Nixon. That point of fact can’t be lost on people. One of the most racist, xenophic, paranoid people to run this country. And here, some 30 years later, he is reincarnated as the VP. Thank god.

I can’t believe I am actually going to say this, but thank God for Bush. He really played a dumb SOB but when I read stuff like this, I just find it so hard to fathom that he had the brains to understand the limits of our military and that he understood the constitution.

Is it possible that Bush had a firmer grasp of the Constitution then we all are led to believe? He didn’t pardon Libby after all. It shows on some level that he was smart enough to know some things. He must have just been so powerless.

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