Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009

Let’s do some math. Take Paul Stanley a Republican State Senator from Tennessee and add some good ol’ Christian values and what do you get? A southern Christian Republican politician boffing a 22-year-old intern and taking snapshots for his scrapbooking workshop. Oh, by the way, Stanley’s first wife — yes, he’s been married more than once — field a restraining order against him. You can’t make this shit up.

h/t Pharyngula


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    The The DL Graphinator never lies.

  2. Tom S says:

    It’s much better to lie to a grand jury and the American people on National tv I guess. The real decision will be made by BO when he judges whether Stanley “acted stupidly”.

    This has been going on in Washington for hundreds of years…do we really expect it to stop?

    I’d rather hear about the issues and what’s being done than whether a member of Washington circle is “boffing an intern” as you put it.

  3. jason330 says:

    I agree. Like I said, we should not expect these Republican “promise keepers” to not have sex with whoever they want to. It is just unreasonable to expect them to just have sex with their (first) wives. We’d have far fewer scandals if we just accepted the reality of this situation.

  4. Delaware Republican says:

    Keep trying but John Edwards and Bill Clinton make this guy look like a lightweight.

    Imagine John Edwards, the Democrat who has a wife with cancer and he is using campaign funds to pay his girlfriend and then she has his baby.

    Maybe Ted Kennedy could comment about family values and how tough it is to report a crime after you drown a woman and wait 8 hours but make over 40 phone calls?

    Need more?

    Mike Protack

  5. cassandra_m says:

    We already know you’re an idiot, Protack, but keep posting more to keep reminding us, OK?

  6. MJ says:

    I wonder who Pornstache has been sleeping with and paying off. I mean, like republican, like republican. Or does the adultery gene only kick in once these self-appointed moralists get elected to office. If that’s the case, then we don’t have anything to worry about with Capt. Spacecadet.

    Oh, and Tom S – he’s a TN state senator, not as US Senator based in Babylon on the Potomac.

  7. I just wonder if the Republicans wrote their Clinton impeachment speeches at their mistresses’ houses.

  8. Tom S says:

    I wonder who were all of people that Clinton was on the phone with while his intern was servicing him?

  9. Tom S says:

    and I’m not even a Republican!