Delaware Liberal

Pssst….Republican Commenters, We get It. Honest we do.


If you want to comment here, do me a favor and think about what you are about to type. There is no need to repeat basic GOP talking points. For example, don’t tell us that Bill Clinton got a blow job and that Clinton’s infidelity exculpates every Republican adulterer forever. We know. We get it.

If your only point is that don’t like unions or jews, we get it. If you are about to say that everything having to do with gays is a slippery slope that will lead to homosexual indoctrination classes in elementary schools. Don’t bother. We get it.

There is no need to comment here if you think Obama is not going to be popular in the future and that through the reflexive property of political algebra that means conservatism is awesome. We get it.

If you are tempted to comment here that you want to keep your guns in spite of the fact that nobody wants your guns. There is no need. We get it. If you think every tax dollar not spent on the military or paving the street in front of your house is sickeningly wasted, you probably don’t need to note that in the comments section. We get it.

You feel strongly about all of that nutty shit. We get it. If your comment boils down to ticking off some wingnut bullshit that does not address the point of the post or offer some actual and original insights into your thoughts, aspirations or fears – don’t bother.


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