Pssst….Republican Commenters, We get It. Honest we do.

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009


If you want to comment here, do me a favor and think about what you are about to type. There is no need to repeat basic GOP talking points. For example, don’t tell us that Bill Clinton got a blow job and that Clinton’s infidelity exculpates every Republican adulterer forever. We know. We get it.

If your only point is that don’t like unions or jews, we get it. If you are about to say that everything having to do with gays is a slippery slope that will lead to homosexual indoctrination classes in elementary schools. Don’t bother. We get it.

There is no need to comment here if you think Obama is not going to be popular in the future and that through the reflexive property of political algebra that means conservatism is awesome. We get it.

If you are tempted to comment here that you want to keep your guns in spite of the fact that nobody wants your guns. There is no need. We get it. If you think every tax dollar not spent on the military or paving the street in front of your house is sickeningly wasted, you probably don’t need to note that in the comments section. We get it.

You feel strongly about all of that nutty shit. We get it. If your comment boils down to ticking off some wingnut bullshit that does not address the point of the post or offer some actual and original insights into your thoughts, aspirations or fears – don’t bother.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. LOL, good luck with that Jason. I’m still waiting for Sarah Palin to come and protect me from the menace of Hollywood starlets.

  2. Maria Evans says:

    Could you have packed more stereotypes into one post?

  3. youboob says:

    You don’t get it J. You really don’t

  4. Maria, this is pretty much what most of our Republican commenters say.

  5. Maria Evans says:

    UI I’m one of your republican commenters, so was Burris and Smitty (for the bulk of his commenting career) and TPN…did you hear any of that stuff from any of us?

  6. jason330 says:


    To be sure there are some decent Republican commenters. That’s why I’m asking the less decent Republicans to consider whether or not their comments are nothing but shallow talking points.

  7. John Young says:

    Jason hates stupid people, I get it. It’s a bit odd that he’s uninviting participation in a liberal blog by singling out people by a distinguishing characteristic.

    It’s a clear cut case of prejudice against stupidity.

    I’m OK with it, but it may not be good for traffic in the long run….if that even matters…like to the advertisers on the front page and stuff.

    Overall though, I agree with Jason, stupid people making stupid comments is tiresome and sometimes insufferable.

    Kudos on the new policy. I hope, as an independent type, to never wander to the dark side of commentary……

  8. jason330 says:

    That’s it. Regardless of your politics, just bring something to the table. Is that too much to ask? I don’t think so.

  9. John Young says:

    Also, I just read the double agent GOP thing….sly!

  10. Phil says:

    Bring something to the table? If it wasn’t his blog, he would of been banned a long time ago…..

  11. I definitely think Maria, Smitty, Joanne and Burris bring something to the table. Even David A. sometimes. At least they’re here to engage. But we do get a lot of Rushbots and Protack spam.

  12. jason330 says:

    Life is full of ironies Phil.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Clinton got a blowjob? OMG, what’s next? A Republican President that increases spending more than twice the rate of his massive tax-cuts?

    Oh, that happened, too, didn’t it? Hmm…

  14. callerRick says:

    I’m asking the less decent Republicans to consider whether or not their comments are nothing but shallow talking points.

    Oh, I see….there’s no such thing as Socialist-Democrat ‘talking points?’ In actuality, virtually everything spoken by Democrats is either politically-correct babble, or lockstep adherence to ‘talking points.’ As a matter of fact, the term ‘talking points’ is a talking point.

  15. jason330 says:

    I should have mentioned that if your entire comment can be summarized as “But, but, but…Democrats do it too.” you can spare us. We. Get. It.

  16. RSmitty says:

    callerR…truth is, everyone can point fingers at each other, ad nauseum. It’s the ad nauseum part that makes the point, too: *puke!!!* Considering this is Delaware Liberal, coming here with Republican talking points is as smart as being a Republican President who cuts taxes, but increases spending over twice as much as the tax cut. Same can be said of going to a Conservative site with Democratic talking points and expecting the residents to have an epiphany. It ain’t gonna happen and it really is quite annoying. Talking points are just that, quick lines listed by bullet point. It has few words and extremely little, if any, substance to it.

  17. anonone says:

    I liked the checklist idea somebody had a while back where you just checked off your responses. Seemed like it would be a real time saver to me.

  18. A1,

    That was the Guide to Republican Excuse Making. Democrats did it too is #2. I think it would save a lot of time. Republican commenters simply have to post #2 and we’ll know what they mean.

  19. Suzanne says:

    “Talking points are just that, quick lines listed by bullet point. It has few words and extremely little, if any, substance to it.”

    Asking Protack and his cohorts for substance might just be asked a bit too much – don’t you think?

    That is kind of like asking Polly Adams Mervine for a debate — it isn’t gonna happen.

  20. callerRick says:

    …as smart as being a Republican President who cuts taxes, but increases spending over twice as much as the tax cut.

    Presidents can’t increase ‘spending.’ That is a function of the US Congress.

  21. anon says:

    Presidents can’t increase ’spending.’ That is a function of the US Congress.

    Good catch. Jason, add it to the Guide To Republican Excuse Making.

  22. Will do, anon. I think we’re going to need to re-publish the guide. 🙂

  23. anon says:

    It is a living document.

  24. mike w. says:

    Jason – 99% of your own comments are either childish personal attacks or inane shallow talking points. You might want to take your own advice, though I suspect you are incapable of offering us much more than shallow talking points.