Sarah Palin Last Press Conference

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009

Live coverage! The press conference is scheduled to begin at 7 PM. Watch this space for details.

6:45 PM Band is playing. No transcript of the speech has been released yet.

7:00 PM CNN is gagging me. “Sarah Palin is very popular.” Yeah, that’s why she has 40% approval. Well, she’s more popular than Cheney or Bush.

7:02 PM They’re praying right now, then the National Anthem. Palin is wearing some huge flower corsage.

7:06 PM Palin drinking game (via Twitter #Palindrinkinggame): guys and gals, fair, special needs, attacks, liberal media, mama bear
any of her childrens’ names, ya know, nah
“We, as Alaskans” or “Politics as usual.”
“dead fish” “moose hunting” “pitbull”
Soccer Moms, Joe SixPack, Freedom, Troops, Energy Independence, and two shots if she says Maverick

7:12 PM Palin up now!

7:13 PM Rugged, hearty people of Fairbank. Together we stand!

7:14 PM Long drawn-out talk about the Alaska weather. Road is “north to the future.” Some are hellbent on tearing down our nation (listening to Mitch McConnell?).

7:15 PM She’s going to exercise her freedom of speech. Straight talk for “some” in the media. Now talking sarcastically about the press. What could and should be a respected profession. “How about – in honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up.” Applause.

7:17 PM “our beloved state” The constitution of Alaska was written by wise pioneers. Now talking about the will of the people. She says she put Alaska first (right…) Talking up ethics reform. Needs protection from abuse by partisan operatives.

7:20 PM A lot of talk about oil and gas. Talking up her vetoes.

Her voice is especially grating today.

7:22 PM “We eat, therefore we hunt.” Typical Hollywood-bashing.

My husband is groaning in the background, he thinks I’m torturing him.

Alaska has much good in store further down the road (Huh?) The government crushes opportunity. It’s ironic listening to #1 pork acceptor Palin talking about oppressive government. Lying again – she says she resisted the stimulus package. Resist money! We must not beg an allowance from Washington – so don’t accept the money then? “Diligently sow and reap.” (Huh?)

She’s doing that pointing thing.

She’s talking environmental – did she do anything to protect the environment as gov?
“Gatekeeper of the continent.”
Oh goody – why she made her decision and it should be so obvious to you. It’s because I love Alaska so I feel it’s my duty to avoid typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in her last year in office. I will be able to fight harder for you. I don’t need a title for that. As a grizzly guards her cubs. (gag)

God bless Alaska and God bless America.

7:31 PM Speech ends

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (36)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Oh Dear Lord. She is speaking again? You betcha. Also too.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I turned it on when she said “in honor of our troops, quit making things up.” She is shielding herself with the troops now?

  3. Delaware Dem says:


    It is quite clear that the American people do not know how to better spend their money than the government. That is not to say that the government knows better. It is to say that the American people are in just as much debt as the government, and have been living on credit like the government. Clearly, they do not know better.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    She is flogging the Second Amendment now.

    “Hollywood needs to know that we eat, therefore we hunt.”


    What does Hollywood have to do with hunting or not hunting?

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    God, she is the Queen of the Strawman.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    “What I have promised, we have accomplished.”

    You promised to serve your term out. You did not accomplish that.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    “We oppose slavery to a big central government.”

    Wow, just love her choice of words here.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    “I resisted the stimulus package….” but neglects to say she caved and took the money.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Uh, Sarah, the Alaskan government does make its citizens wealthy. It gives payouts from the oil companies from their revenue.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Is she taking credit for all of Alaska’s history now?

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    Alaska is the gatekeeper of the continent? Large immigration into Alaska is there? Who knew Ellis Island and the Mexican border took the backseat.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    I can’t take anymore. Please let her end this now.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Mamma Bear. Drink.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    All the kids’ names. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    Uh, wasn’t she raised in Idaho.

  16. She seemed more coherent than normal. Nothing new in that speech. She attacked the media, Hollywood and the menacing, oppressive government. Also, government money is evil (unless it comes to your state or something)! What was the deal with the huge corsage?

  17. Anti-2nd amendment groups will send Hollywood startlets to take their guns away. (my transcript)

  18. cassandra_m says:

    That’s alot of drinking — is DD still standing?

  19. Palin is nothing if not predictable. She hit almost all those words.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Sarah Palin is out of office, and, as if on cue, a horrible looking thunderstorm is about to destroy the whole of New Castle County.


  21. Delaware Dem says:

    Still alive, Cassandra, but a little tipsy for a Sunday night.

  22. Check out the Twitter search page for #quitstock.

    lpsrocks: RT @Symbolman RT @OTOOLEFAN: Palin: “Quit making things up!” Wow, didn’t know she was gonna slam FOX, too! Cool. #palin #quitstock

    brokebroken: #palin I can’t believe she threatened gun-toting conservatives with skinny starlets #quitstock


  23. anon says:

    Anti-2nd amendment groups will send Hollywood startlets to take their guns away.

    Ooh! Ooh!! I have a gun – over here!

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. That is the comment of the day.

  25. anonone says:

    With 5 kids, I doubt she ever rejected a stimulus package.

  26. When does Carville or some one with real stones finally say, she couldn’t raise a family and be governor at the same time. No doubt Limbaugh or another slimeball would have by now.

  27. Would they ask the same question for a male governor with 5 kids?

  28. Geezer says:

    A male governor with 5 kids would turn their care and feeding over to his wife. Whether your or I like it, UI, there is a different standard for working women.

  29. A woman politician does the same thing, Geezer. She has help. Like all working mothers.

  30. Geezer says:

    Yes, of course she does. But you have never heard such questions of a male politician, and I think it will be a long time before you do.

  31. True, Geezer. The double standard is alive and well. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t point it out.

  32. ed todd says:

    Why is it all of the liberals say they are fair free minded people. but yet they are themost closed minded idiots out there. i’m not a dem or a repub, but i have to work and deal with both of them on a daily basis. And personally i would rather deal with a repub 10 times a day than 1 dem a month. dems, especially liberal dems are the most spiteful,hateful,closed minded people i have ever met. i would rather deal with a money hungry repub. Palin might be predictable but she is more of a moral champion than hilary clinton could ever dream of. I have met and dealt with hilary on several times and she is a very evil nasty woman. good luck paying all of these taxes when obama takes our jobs.

  33. Prufe says:

    Liberals are indeed the most hateful people I have ever seen.

    However, it is a self hatred at the core. They simply cannot stand themselves. Since that is not compatible with staying alive, they transfer this to hating God, hating religion, hating parents, hating authority in general.

    Pssst…here’s the kicker. Their kids absolutely hate them. So the cycle gets to start all over again.

    HATE, HATE, HATE, all day long.

    They even hate minorities, but since they hate themselves more, they hate that they hate minorities.

    Makes ya dizzy!

  34. This is some f’ing funny shit.

  35. Geezer says:

    You’ve hit a wingnut gusher! It’s especially funny considering they’re projecting their own ugly feelings.