Delaware Liberal

Sarah Palin Last Press Conference

Live coverage! The press conference is scheduled to begin at 7 PM. Watch this space for details.

6:45 PM Band is playing. No transcript of the speech has been released yet.

7:00 PM CNN is gagging me. “Sarah Palin is very popular.” Yeah, that’s why she has 40% approval. Well, she’s more popular than Cheney or Bush.

7:02 PM They’re praying right now, then the National Anthem. Palin is wearing some huge flower corsage.

7:06 PM Palin drinking game (via Twitter #Palindrinkinggame): guys and gals, fair, special needs, attacks, liberal media, mama bear
any of her childrens’ names, ya know, nah
“We, as Alaskans” or “Politics as usual.”
“dead fish” “moose hunting” “pitbull”
Soccer Moms, Joe SixPack, Freedom, Troops, Energy Independence, and two shots if she says Maverick

7:12 PM Palin up now!

7:13 PM Rugged, hearty people of Fairbank. Together we stand!

7:14 PM Long drawn-out talk about the Alaska weather. Road is “north to the future.” Some are hellbent on tearing down our nation (listening to Mitch McConnell?).

7:15 PM She’s going to exercise her freedom of speech. Straight talk for “some” in the media. Now talking sarcastically about the press. What could and should be a respected profession. “How about – in honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up.” Applause.

7:17 PM “our beloved state” The constitution of Alaska was written by wise pioneers. Now talking about the will of the people. She says she put Alaska first (right…) Talking up ethics reform. Needs protection from abuse by partisan operatives.

7:20 PM A lot of talk about oil and gas. Talking up her vetoes.

Her voice is especially grating today.

7:22 PM “We eat, therefore we hunt.” Typical Hollywood-bashing.

My husband is groaning in the background, he thinks I’m torturing him.

Alaska has much good in store further down the road (Huh?) The government crushes opportunity. It’s ironic listening to #1 pork acceptor Palin talking about oppressive government. Lying again – she says she resisted the stimulus package. Resist money! We must not beg an allowance from Washington – so don’t accept the money then? “Diligently sow and reap.” (Huh?)

She’s doing that pointing thing.

She’s talking environmental – did she do anything to protect the environment as gov?
“Gatekeeper of the continent.”
Oh goody – why she made her decision and it should be so obvious to you. It’s because I love Alaska so I feel it’s my duty to avoid typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in her last year in office. I will be able to fight harder for you. I don’t need a title for that. As a grizzly guards her cubs. (gag)

God bless Alaska and God bless America.

7:31 PM Speech ends

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