Voinovich On The GOP
I guess retirement can loosen your tongue. Look at what retiring Ohio Senator George Voinovich had to say about the GOP:
“We got too many Jim DeMints and Tom Coburns,” Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) told the Columbus Dispatch. “It’s the southerners.”
Voinovich, a native Clevelander who retires after the 2010 election, continued after the southern elements of the GOP.
“They get on TV and go ‘errrr, errrrr,'” he said. “People hear them and say, ‘These people, they’re southerners. The party’s being taken over by southerners. What they hell they got to do with Ohio?'”
I guess the Republican party’s southern strategy paid off a little too much. Perhaps the southern strategy was a better fit for the country at the time but Republicans didn’t adjust with the changing times. Worse for them, they didn’t help their party adjust to the changing times.
Tags: George Voinovich, Republicans
LMAO!! You invited Clem and Jethro to the party and now they have their car on blocks in your front yard and their sitting with their muddy boots up on your coffee table spitting their Copenhagen spit into a leaky looking old Taco Bell soda cup while they watch “Hee Haw” reruns. Suck it northern Repukes!!
This is funny. And a nicely concise summary of their current electoral problem.
The party’s being taken over by southerners.
Actually, it’s been that way since at least Nixon, who used law and order and race bating as his Southern strategy. Republican Presidential candidates followed that blueprint, losing only when democrats ran southerners, Carter and Clinton. The GOP is now a regional party, limited by its failures on fiscal and foreign policy, its desire to have government mandate your morality, an anti black, anti gay, anti-women, anti brown, anti-everybody-but old-white-guys platform. It’s a Party witout a coherent message or plan. What else are they to do but appeal to the lowest common denominator? Today’s confirmation of Sotomayer and republican opposition to her nomination will surely advance the dems standing in the Hispanic community and continue the erosion of the GOP.
Ha ha ha, he said it, not me! Errrrr, errrrr…