Late Night Video: More Birther Madness

Filed in National by on July 29, 2009

Stephen Colbert with one of the head birther nuts, Orly Taitz. Notice how the birthers have changed tactics. Now they’re arguing that both parents have to be citizens. Colbert is right, there are just not enough people willing to compare Obama to the Nazis.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Womb Raiders – Orly Taitz
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Tasers

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anoni says:

    between birthers and wining about other bloggs, you guys are putting up very little substance lately.
    Almost 3.5 million google hits on “birther”

  2. anoni says:

    ‘Natural-born’ isn’t so simple to define
    The stipulation is a relic to be retired.

    By Peter J. Spiro – Philadelphia Inquirer

    Let’s say Barack Obama had been born in Kenya. Why wouldn’t we still want him to be our president?…

    …The outrage among birthers has been fueled partly by a quirk in the history of citizenship law. If Obama had been born in Kenya, he would not have been a citizen at birth by virtue of his American mother. His mother, then 18, would have fallen short of the requirement that a citizen parent has been a U.S. resident for five years after her 14th birthday. (The requirement was shortened to two years for children born after 1986.) Obama’s mother would have been able to bring him into the United States as an immigrant, five years after which he would have been eligible for citizenship.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    Quick question, which one was the satirist?

    Best quote: “I don’t know about Chester A. Arthur.” I bet that’s not the only thing you don’t know.

  4. MJ says:

    I love it when the fools don’t know they’re being made out to be a fool. And she’s from the USSR? Wow, just the type of person I want to question anyone’s citizenship.

  5. I know, isn’t it ironic MJ?

    Yes, she looks very foolish in the clip.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    wow…hitler or stalin, which one is it?

    how about I compare Orly to Corky from Life Goes On?

    that comparison is a bit more realistic.

  7. I kept getting distracted by her artificial eyelashes.

  8. sillypoorandlazyperson says:

    Let’s say Barack Obama had been born in Kenya. Why wouldn’t we still want him to be our president?…

    I used to do this on my block too. It works awesome on da fools dat dont finish schoo..

    “let’s say Laquita got da HIV…”

    she didn’t… but my ho’s got all the action after that one got said a few times

  9. jason330 says:


    Good point. If Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii – I’m sure we all agree he could have beaten McCain in the election.

  10. Remember the good ol’ days when Republicans proposed amending the U.S. Constitution so that naturalized citizens (i.e., Schwartzenegger) could run for president? Good times.

  11. anoni says:


    “Republicans proposing?” no I don’t.

    I remember a handfull of pundits writing colums about that change so that Schwatzenegger or Granholm or Albright would not be barred from running, but I don’t remember either party up the issue.

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    For the record (if Fox News can be consider “the record”),2933,139952,00.html

    “Several measures have been introduced in Congress, including a joint resolution by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., and Sen. Orrin Hatch , R-Utah, which proposes a constitutional amendment that would extend eligibility for the presidency to immigrants who have held U.S. citizenship for at least 20 years.”

    Unstable Isotope: 1
    anoni: nil

  13. It’s one of the few things Republicans have proposed that I’ve agreed with.

  14. anoni says:

    give UI a 1/2 a point or that one. the article you linked mentions the same three polliticians that I did, weak democrat support for the idea, but fails to give a bill# so we could check on cosponsors or whether it ever got a floor vote.

  15. Dorian Gray says:

    UI used the word “proposed” so bill #, co-sponsors, etc. are irrelevant. The proposers in the article were two Rep MoC. Still 1:nil and you just got booked for dissent. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    (If there was an emoticon holding a yellow card I’d so use it right now.)

  16. shortstuff says:

    That’s a great point UI, Dorian… I completely forgot about the whole thing with AHHHNOOLLD.. Call it a spade, it looks like the right wants a true to life civil war. I saw clips of the conversation with Beck ranting and it’s definitely aimed at trying to rally the troops. If this ever does come to that, this country will fall apart…

  17. Paul says:

    To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess he fooled them too?