How do you know what the wingnuts are plotting? Easy – anything they accuse others of doing. Remember when Jonah Goldberg, after years of “you’re either with us or you’re a terrorist sympathizer”, started talking about “Liberal Fascism”? Remember how the party that tried to force an extremist religious viewpoint on America started talking about how liberals were going to impose sharia law in the US? Remember how these conservatives decried government spending while creating the record-setting Bush deficit? I could cite a dozen more examples. The same Republicans who demanded that Congress should overrule the diagnosis of Terry Shiavo’s doctors are claiming that Democrats want to come between you and your doctor – which is exactly what the HMO’s are doing now. And Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck are accusing the president of racism – ha!
So now they’re claiming that Democratic health care reform is really a secret plot to kill old people. Our health insurance system kills thousands of Americans every year. Cancer survivors tend to be older than the average American – and they tend to be dropped by their health insurers, forcing them to ration out trips to the doctor lest they go bankrupt. Fear of medical bankruptcy (the number one cause of bankruptcy) leads to people staying home sick, hoping that they will get better without a doctor’s visit. That leads to death. And I remind you, the elderly face the greatest health risks.
The GOP already wiped out most of the retirement savings of America by castrating our financial regulatory agencies. Thosands of senior citizens now can’t afford to retire – can they afford health insurance?
Now, I don’t think the GOP wants to kill senior citizens – that’s just collateral damage in their quest for big money lobbying gigs. That’s all that’s at stake – lobbying jobs vs. your health. And that goes for the Blue Dogs, too.
PS – anyone who complains that public option health care being “bureaucratic” has never had a claim denied by their HMO.