Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo’s Desperate Offer to Copeland: Will Unmask for Transparency


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(Various & Sundry Disclaimers: This likeness may or may not resemble that of El Somnambulo. Rafael Navarro and El Somnambulo may or may not be the same person. The gun featured here should in no way be misconstrued as a threat, but rather as a peace offering to Caesar Rodney Institute board member and former NRA President John Sigler.)

 Many of you know of El Somnambulo’s dedication to the Mexican craft of Lucha Libre, the purest of wrestling forms. Each luchador wears a mask that is part of the very fiber of their being. Being forced to unmask is like being forced to sever one’s soul from one’s body. Only in the direst of circumstances, when the disputes are both profound and irresolvable in any other manner, do luchadors offer up their masks.

El Somnambulo finds himself in such a circumstance today. His insistence on openness and transparency is so profound, and  Charlie Copeland’s failure to provide such openness and transparency is so…transparent, that ‘bulo is prepared to part with his most prized possession.

The Beast Who Slumbers is prepared to go much further than that. Not only will he publicly unmask, but he will reveal his civilian identity. He’ll even go further. He’ll permit Copeland to write an unauthorized bio of ‘bulo or, if Copeland prefers, Copeland will be free to select whomever he wants to write it–El Burrito Junior, Monsignor Lavelle, a ‘moonlighting flak’ from the Caesar Rodney Institute, or any other Mindless Mignonette (Greenville spelling) he might prefer. And DL will print it, word-for-word.

In exchange, all Copeland has to do is fully and completely answer the following questions HERE at Delaware Liberal (most of you have seen these questions before, but none of you have yet seen them answered by Copeland):

In what capacity, if any, are you involved with the Caesar Rodney Institute?  Are you supporting CRI in any financial capacity and, if so, to what extent? What role did you play, and do you continue to play, in the choice of staff and/or board positions for the CRI? If you are involved in CRI, why have you chosen not to provide the same transparency to your role as you demand of state government, for example?

Based on recent developments, El Somnambulo adds one more question to the list. 

What involvement, if any, do staff and/or members and/or others affiliated with the Caesar Rodney Institute have in the creation of content and/or research for your Resolute Determination blog?

A quick dissection of your blog’s content clearly demonstrates its partisan nature, as in Wednesday’s rebuttal to House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf. And, granted, that piece is indeed weak enough to be the work of an amateur, but one can never be sure. Accordingly, please demonstrate to the public that you have set up  proper ‘firewalls’ between the non-partisan Institute and your partisan blog. If, indeed, all the research and writing on your blog is you and only you, El Somnambulo tips his sombrero to you. Amazing that someone busy creating ‘thousands of jobs’ has so much time for blogging. Unless it’s thousands of ‘think-tank’ jobs you’re creating.

In the Interest of Openness and Transparency

Your Amigo

El Somnambulo

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