Delaware Liberal Action Item: 20 Calls To Tom Carper Today – On your mark, get set, go!

Filed in National by on July 31, 2009

Rebecca is right. We need to test Carper on his statement that “the lobbyists he listens to are the people from Delaware.”

Our goal is a modest 20 calls by 5:00pm today. Log your call in the comments and an check back this afternoon. (We might have to call people to get them to call in order to make the goal of 20 calls.)

Senator Carper’s Wilmington office is: 302-573-6291

Tell Senator Carper that Healthcare Reform without a Public Option is no reform at all! He’s a big fan of the FREE MARKET. We want a truly FREE MARKET that gives us a Public Option. The current healthcare market is NOT free. It has a built-in conflict of interest for the drug companies, insurance companies, and yes,even the caregivers. Without a Public Option the American people will continue to be at the mercy of this broken system.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (37)

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  1. jason330 says:

    I just called. They are saying that Carper is not “opposed” to a public option.

  2. If he really listens to the public, you all lose.

  3. Rebecca says:

    I called and got an answering machine — whaa? I’m hoping that means the lines are all busy. I’ll try again later.

  4. Here’s full contact, in case you can’t get in touch with his Wilmington office:

    * Washington, D.C.
    United States Senate
    513 Hart Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202) 224-2441
    Fax: (202) 228-2190
    * Wilmington
    301 North Walnut Street
    Suite 102L-1
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Phone: (302) 573-6291
    Fax: (302) 573-6434
    * Dover
    300 South New Street
    2215 Federal Building
    Dover, DE 19904
    Phone: (302) 674-3308
    Fax: (302) 674-5464
    * Georgetown
    12 The Circle
    Georgetown, DE 19947
    Phone: (302) 856-7690
    Fax: (302) 856-3001

  5. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Ain’t it a shame Sin. Craper does not use email?….I suppose he’s worried about his system blowing up. 😉

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Carper does use email. And sometimes you get a reply (standard one) back via email.

    But CALL on this.

  7. farsider says:

    I talked to Tom – he said no problem if you want a low cost public option all you have to do is start one up. Just get some initial financing, hire people, etc. No government involvement necessary. Sweet.

  8. Rebecca says:

    Got through this time – Whoo hoo!

  9. X Stryker says:

    I called and spoke with a staffer.

  10. Bill says:

    The NYT poll that came out yesterday had a question about the public option. 66% support the public option. 27% oppose it… in case you need some numbers to be able to speak for others as well.

  11. anon2 says:

    Farsider: “by start one up”, he means he supports that horrible co-op plan. This dude is bought, sold out to the insurance lobbyists. Senator Rockefeller said yesterday, “we tried to find a co-op”, found only two, one in Minn and on in Puget Sound. Neither were registered, tested or LICENSED?

    Town Hall Meetings are going wild! Usually, 15 or 20 people are showing up. Now hundreds are showing up with signs, and yelling out their outrage over the banker bailouts, the energy plan and the health care broohaha! Right, democracy in action from the grassroots. We need to find a Town Hall for Carper and show up on masse. Make Carper tell us “where these co-ops” are that he supports. Either this guy is mentally deranged, or his southern Virginia politics are proving him to be the carpet bagger he truly is. Get rid of this vile human being. Who doesnt know that Carper doesnt make a move without the lobbyists filling his campaign coffers? We should be ashamed to call this man a democrat…he is a throw back to the last century, time to throw him out of office.

    It costs $600 BILLION Tom to start up a co-op! Does this man even show up in DC…he doesnt even know the basics of this issue.

  12. anon2 says:

    Ok I just called the carpet baggers office. I asked “where the Town Meetings” would be held! We dont have a schedule for that yet, not sure he is planning any! Your damned right dont count on Carper holding any Town Meeting where we can actually force him to face up to those millions in his campaign coffers from the insurance companies. Also, I asked if “he was supporting the Public Option”, she said, “Yes”, which one is he supporting I asked. “Gee, I dont know the staffer replied”. I then went into the rant about “co-ops” and how the two that exist are unlicensed, unregistered and untested”? Even his staff have no comprehension of his stand..on anything.

  13. anon2 says:

    Called the DC office…they have a different opinion. They state that, “Senator Carper will be supporting the bi-partisan option”. If this doesnt tell Democrats this man is a republican, I dont know what does. We need to spend out time finding a good government, supporter of the citizens initiatives and throw this turd to the curb.

  14. farsider says:

    No by “start one up” I mean get off your complaining ass and start a ‘at cost’ insurance company your own damn selves. Charge people what the can afford and pay out what you have. Your issue, your money. That is what I mean.

  15. Geezer says:

    Funny comment coming from one who does nothing but complain on this site. Presumably you type standing up?

  16. anon2 says:

    We already have the most cost effective, cover everyone program its called Medicare…lets have it for everyone! We don’t have to spend $600 BILLION to start one up. Wasted money and does nothing to bring down the costs. How can you charge people with what they can afford. For those out of work, no job or prospect of one for the millions who have been out of work during the Bush Regime, while the fat cat 1% got all the tax cuts, and the middle class and poor were driving into poverty. Thats your answer, Farsider. You sure picked the right handle for yourself…far sider is that like “outsider”.

  17. Perry says:

    I called the DE office, got through to a (polite) staffer, expressed my wish for a public option, and was asked for my mailing address.

  18. farsider says:

    So I guess instead of charging what they can afford your new health insurance company can just give it away. There, solved. See how simple it is once you take on your own agenda.

  19. Just called and got a staffer. I told them I want a strong public option and not co-ops. They took my name and address and for some reason I messed up my own ZIP code.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Just called and registered my support for a public option.

  21. Bill says:

    Anon2, I’m no more a fan of it than you are, but I believe the co-op proposal that the Senate Finance Committee is proposing costs $6 billion to start up, not $600 billion. I don’t know where you got your information. I’m getting mine from CongressDaily.

  22. I’m counting 8 who have definitely called:
    Jason330, Rebecca, XStryker, anon2, Perry, UI, nemski and cassandra_m

    C’mon people, fire up those phones!

  23. The public option is never going to happen as written and if you think Carper is going to respond to principle and standards, well good luck. I admire your effort but it has little promise.

    Obama lost the public option when Waxman became the point man for it. Lunacy squared. There are some common sense Dems like Wyden from Oregon who have good ideas, Waxman has attitude galore.

    Mike Prtotack

  24. jason330 says:

    If anyone knows how to not get anywhere in politics on attitude it is you.

  25. anon2 says:

    Mike Prtotak: can you spell idiot. Carper will respond because he knows his head is on the chopping block. As Carper was exposed for being a real repuke with all those corporate campaign contributions in his account, he like the other blue dogs are damned straight worried. Never has an issue fired up the democratic base than health care. He either gets on board, or consider loosing the next talks, bullshit walked.

  26. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Just for the record ,
    If you think Carper will show his face at a town meeting with this exposed, dream on

    Fundraising, 2005 – 2010, Campaign Cmte


    Cash on Hand:


    Last Report:
    Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    Top 5 Contributors, 2005-2010, Campaign Cmte

    Citigroup Inc

    Norfolk Southern

    JPMorgan Chase & Co

    Bank of America

    DuPont Co

    Top 5 Industries, 2005-2010, Campaign Cmte

    Lawyers/Law Firms


    Commercial Banks

    Securities & Investment

    Real Estate

    Now, for those of you who have called and left the address, let me warn you. You will get a 3 page letter educating you, but saying nothing. I have a box full of them.

  27. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Anon 2 “If this doesnt tell Democrats this man is a republican, I dont know what does.” Oh God could it be that people are finally catching on ?
    I wish.

  28. farsider says:


    I guess the proposal rather than charging what can be afforded would be to give it away to everyone. Lets put all the Dr’s, all medical personnel under goverment employment. Then they will be paid for by tax dollars and their services will be free. Is that where you are headed ? Or do we allow them to make a profit off the poor and downtrodden ? Alternatively I guess you could believe that “to each according to their need from each according to their ability”. That would even it out for everyone I guess.

  29. anon says:

    You will get a 3 page letter educating you, but saying nothing. I have a box full of them.

    Waste of a perfectly good box.

  30. jason330 says:

    The Carper form letter is famous for their unmatchable “words to content” ratio.

  31. farsider says:

    Your Democratic speaker of the house has stated there is no connection between political contributions and positions on policy.

    “As the Speaker’s opposition to the health insurance companies being in charge of American’s health care shows, there is no link between political contributions and positions on policy,” said her spokesman Brendan Daly.

    So I guess all is good here now.

  32. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “Lets put all the Dr’s, all medical personnel under goverment employment. ” Thar’s how they do it in France and they like it.

  33. farsider says:

    That is simply not ture Frieda,

    Most physicians in France are independent providers who have a private practice like here. You can find both public and for-profit private clinics/hospitals in France like here. Pharmacies in France are private businesses like here.

    Our doctors are not going to take a 66% paycut so forget about the French model.

  34. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Well, I have been to France, my parents lived in Austria my sister lives in England and I was hospitalized in Germany on one of my trips. Iknow all about the European healtcare system. They love it.Trust me.

  35. farsider says:


    It seems you may be a bit misinformed, there isn’t a European healthcard system as such, each country is different. You believed incorrectly how the French have organized. Given that I cannot imagine a more misguided prospect than to trust you.

  36. Frieda Berryhill says:

    farsider, you are correct
    Yes, each country is DIFFERENT And you are right, under “public Option” Private practice in France also flourishes. (as in Austria)
    But to really know the difference you have to go there, I did.