Delaware Liberal

How teh stupid act when they think they are smart

So, by now you have read the 4 part piece we have done on “Copeland’s Republican Insiders” AKA the Caesar Rodney Institute.  It might be at 5 by now, but for now, it is 4.

If you haven’t then you don’t know what you are missing. Cass wrote up a high level linkage piece that left little to argue with.  Facts have a way of doing that I guess.   El’somethingorother strung together a stinging piece of writing and it brought out a few porky snakes from under their rocks.




We hadn’t seen Dave Burris around either, but someone picked up the phone and I guess rousted him away from his Cool Ranch family size bag of whatever was more important than his family for the next 6 months….

I digress though. My point with this post besides ridiculing the array of pathetic non partisan defenders of the CRI like, Dave Burris, David A., Mike Protack (Leader of the De. Republican Party) some dude that knows Garrrreett Whateverzniak,  RWR who doesn’t know anything about Delaware but loves to argue and the gnat that is anoni is to point out a post from a guy we all know and love.

I had to hold my nose and go over to Resolute Determination but since I was doing that I thought it was a good time to head to the bathroom and try to cancel out any odors that might ooze from my hard drives. I was looking for a write up on CRI and it took me about 2 google nanoseconds to find something.

Charlie “with a name longer than a born again nation of Islam reformed inmate” Copeland had a coincidental write up of the CRI “A week or so” after

“it was in the news for posting a well-crafted, searchable database of all State spending and payroll.”

Wow.  Stunning and Shocking Kudo’s for the Ceasar Rodney Institute from Charles.  We aren’t done either.  Good Ol’ Charlie boy drops in a 3rd person reference regarding CRi that goes like this:

they issued a release stating that they had made a Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request of the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Tom McGonigle,

Hmmm Delaware’s coolest blogger says to himself. “THEY”? scratching head, They huh? Whyyyyy, whoever could “they” be? But Charlie, ever the nice guy, links to the CRI blog in case we were wondering who some of the THEY were at the CRI.   I guess he links to their blog to show us Garret Wozniak’s awesome post which just so happened to coincide with what was on Charlie’s mind that day.  Andddddd guess what?  Magically, Charlie and Garrett wrote their blog posts…the same exact day.   Scratch,, that’s really amazing.  A week “or so” before the CRI just popped up, now, here are Chuck and Garrett penning away similar posts on the same day.  Symbiotic?  Synergistic?  Coincidental?  Luck?  Fortuitiousness?

What is really weird about Chuck linking to Garret’s post is that the Timestamp for Chuck linking to the CRI blog post was at 1:46am on July 16th…  But Charlie’s post was written on July 15th and he was clearly referencing Garret’s post from the opening of his post.    I will let others figure out that enigma for me.  We all know how Chuck is when it comes to websites.  I’m sure it’s nothing.H

Here is where it gets juicier.  If you read the comments of Charlie’s post, it get’s pretty interesting. A commenter called “noman” Calls out Copeland big time! I mean BIG TIME:

This was a setup by CRI from the get-go. At first I thought I was just being cynical. But the more I look at it, the more I am convinced this press release was a laughable act of demagoguery. Shame on you Charlie for buying into it.

The 10-day timeframe for acknowledging a FOIA request is standard, although in certain circumstances it may be longer.

CRI knew the 10-day window starting June 29 included the long holiday weekend, with lawyers and staffers out of town, and that the state would be unable to round up the info in that timeframe, or even to return phone calls.

Plus, the audits as you acknowledge are being done by loaned executives working according to their private-sector schedule, probably including their own vacations as well, so they would not necessarily all be available either to consult on the response.

Meanwhile CRI was hovering vulture-like, waiting for the 10 days to expire and drafting its gotcha letter. And 16 days later, on July 15, the gotcha letter was posted on the CRI blog.

Given the timeline, there is no reason at all to believe that the Governor’s July 16 response was in any way related to this post or the CRI blog post.

Pretending that the Governor’s office was stonewalling, and that CRI is holding his feet to the fire, is one of the most childish things we have seen in Delaware for a long time.

Boooyyyaaaahhhhh Bitch.  “This was a setup from CRI” Boy that has to sting a non-partisan think tank.

But not to be denied, Charlie appears to play dumb and defend CRI as if he knows nothing. (I’m alledging all of this of course, but run with me). Here is part of Chuck’s response:

Yet…. nothing. You call this a set up? Vulture-like? The Administration brings in 6 loaned executives in January with great fanfare to reduce the size of government, and you blame a non-profit think tank with 2 employees for a set up? Quit whining. Geez…

Quit whining is right. GEEZ!  HIYAH!  Tagged and Bagged.  Called out for being a sell out.  Well done “noman”. Well done.

While I’m talking about CRI I thought it would be fun to find out what other non-partisan folks have picked up on them and decided to do some write ups.  I did a Google, and as a little caveat the other non-partisan writer David A. at that other non-partisan website linked to CRI on July 7th. Magical!

Then I figured while I was dagoogling I would look to  see what or who else was talking about CRI before DL stumbled upon this awesome non-partisan, stocked full of GOP operatives think-tank that backed so many conservative values like health care for non lazy working rich people and free markets.

Hizzzzahhhh!  I found this blog post back in March by “City Upon The Hill”

Here was the post:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Caesar Rodney Institute

They’re still in the building process but there is the potential for these folks to have a huge positive impact on Delaware politics and I for one have high hopes. What do you folks think?
Posted by City Upon The Hill at 3:36 PM

Pretty harmless. Not much there. Not sure who the writer is, but ehhhhh not much to write about.  Harmless blog.  Moving on

Unless of course you take a look at the other posts written:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Next time I’m having trouble at work I’m just going to ask the next Puerto Rican woman I see how to do my job.

Fuck that activist bigot.
Posted by City Upon The Hill at 4:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: Barack, Sotomayor, US Supreme Court
Monday, May 25, 2009
You know how we know this was local? Because Pyongyang didn’t time it for the East Coast press schedule like everyone else does.
Posted by City Upon The Hill at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: North Korea
Friday, May 15, 2009
America is a pro-life country

The stat I found most interesting? Women are more pro-life than men are.
Posted by City Upon The Hill at 8:58 AM 2 comments
Labels: Abortion, America
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A flu broke out in Mexico because Kathleen Sebelius’s corrupt ass is not the yet of DHHS?

Posted by City Upon The Hill at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: America, Kathleen Sebelius

Yep, CRI really pulls in the non-partisans. Good thing Charlie Copeland isn’t associated with this group.  “They” don’t seem to be a “well-crafted”…”non-partisan” Institute.

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