Archive for July, 2009

A Sign Of Who’s Winning The Battle For The Soul Of The Republican Party

Filed in National by on July 22, 2009 8 Comments
A Sign Of Who’s Winning The Battle For The Soul Of The Republican Party

GOP Senate Candidate Charlie Crist, as Governor of a state with many many Hispanics, fears the right wing of his party so much that he announces his opposition to Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination. Thus, the Crazy Right wins control of the Party.

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Hatch and Kyl In a Snit About Sports Betting

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2009 8 Comments
Hatch and Kyl In a Snit About Sports Betting

The NJ reports this AM about the efforts of Senators Hatch and Kyl to stop sports betting in Delaware. Gov. Markell’s office speculates that these two are stalking horses for the NFL who are really having issues with this betting idea.

In a letter sent to Attorney General Holder, these two want the AG to tell Delaware to stick to parlay bets only and they also want the AG to vigorously defend against the NJ lawsuit to expand sports betting.

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Deep Thought

Filed in National by on July 22, 2009 3 Comments

If you are going to have CEO’s making 20mm plus, people are going to have to die.

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What kind of a turtle is this?

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2009 10 Comments
What kind of a turtle is this?

This morning leaving my home I saw this turtle right by my garage. I’m looking to see what kind of a turtle it is. I live in sort of a wooded area and set him back towards the woods. Now as I try to determine what type he/she is, I’m wondering if it is a […]

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Name that Beer contest for Twin Lakes event on 8/15

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2009 3 Comments

We have our Charity, Miles for Melanoma of De many thanks go to Joanne Christian

We have our Band: James Day and the Fish Fry Tons of thanks to El Somonobulowhateverhisnameis for reaching out to James and getting him to come out for the cause.

So now, we need to just finish up with naming the beer (again).

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Two For The Planet

Filed in National by on July 22, 2009 11 Comments
Two For The Planet

The Obama Administration makes some good environmental moves as the Radical Right’s position on science and environment is severely diminished.

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Breaking: Mike Castle’s Jeff Dayton is a Liar or Stupid (Maybe Both) – Digs Castle’s Hole Deeper

Filed in Delaware by on July 22, 2009 37 Comments

Ron Williams Mans The Mike Castle Damage Control Desk – Claims Hecklers Were From New Jersey

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That’s it, Obama hates America

Filed in International by on July 22, 2009 6 Comments

We are less safer today: WASHINGTON — With some of his political capital on the line, President Obama won a crucial victory on Tuesday when the Senate voted to strip out $1.75 billion in financing for seven more F-22 jet fighters from a military authorization bill. and for the Record Carper vote Yea

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Late Night Video: Fight The Socialist Takeover

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 4 Comments

Comedian Lee Camp shows us the socialist nightmare that our country has become.

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Teen Pregnancy and Syphilis Increase Under “Abstinence Only” Bush, Or… Duh

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 14 Comments
Teen Pregnancy and Syphilis Increase Under “Abstinence Only” Bush, Or… Duh

Like we didn’t see this one coming. Teenage pregnancies and syphilis have risen sharply among a generation of American school girls who were urged to avoid sex before marriage under George Bush’s evangelically-driven education policy, according to a new report by the US’s major public health body. In a report that will surprise few of […]

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Rachel Maddow Corrects Pat Buchanan

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 3 Comments

Rachel Maddow addresses the errors in Pat Buchanan’s remarks on Sotomayor from last week.

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Sarah Palin In New Ethics Scandal – I Know You’re Shocked

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 14 Comments

Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post reports on the newest Sarah Palin ethics scandal. Sarah Palin failed to report donations to a legal defense fund.

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Hey Lady in Georgetown, Sit Down and Shut Up

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 34 Comments
Hey Lady in Georgetown, Sit Down and Shut Up

Obama’s birth certificate.

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