Archive for July, 2009

Mike Castle’s Electorial Conundrum

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2009 4 Comments

It seems to me that the Castle videos we were looking at from the townhall downstate captured this split between the old school conservative elite (Castle) and the so-called grassroots looking for their populist due.

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Carney’s Fundraising Garners ‘Pleasant Surprise’ Nod from DKos

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2009 12 Comments

Steve Singiser’s Daily Kos featured blog on candidate fundraising gives props to John Carney’s efforts for the quarter ending June 3o: 4. John Carney (Democrat/DE-AL)–$262K Raised, $235K On Hand  Carney is potentially a challenger to longtime Republican incumbent Mike Castle. Carney more than doubled Castle’s modest ($125K) take, leading many to now speculate that Castle […]

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Science Explains The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

Filed in Science and Health by on July 19, 2009 10 Comments

I would like to point you to this really interesting article at Gawker of all places, called Scientists Explain Why People Vote For Republicans. The tone of the article is funny and tongue-in-cheek but it points to three real scientific studies, discussed below. The first was a study by John Alford and published in the […]

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Budget Crisis To Lead the Way to Legalizing Marijuana?

Filed in National by on July 19, 2009 17 Comments
Budget Crisis To Lead the Way to Legalizing Marijuana?

The California Tax Board has told the state that if they legalized marijuana, the state could raise $1.4 billion in revenues. This assessment looks at an actual bill pending before the CA Legislature: The bill (Assembly Bill 390) by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, is still awaiting its first committee hearing and is likely not […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-July 19 Edition

Filed in International by on July 19, 2009 13 Comments

Were El Somnambulo El Presidente of the Internet Mundo, he would demand that reader responses be thoughtful and on point. (Of course, by that standard, the Beast Who Slumbers would have to ban himself, but he digresses.) His point is that certain stories deserve much more than boilerplate talking points, and today’s lead story is […]

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Your liberal media…edition 1,209,082

Filed in National by on July 19, 2009 3 Comments

It never gets old screaming Liberal Media. The Charleston Post and Courier has posted online (pdf) all 570 pages of emails obtained from the office of South Carolina governor Mark Sanford. There’s a bevy of information in there, but one exchange that jumped out at us was the one between Sanford’s press secretary, Joel Sawyer […]

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Conservative Uprising Video Going Viral

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2009 10 Comments

There is something about the poor widdle Rino Congressman getting his comeuppance that is like cat nip to wingnuts. “Birthers” love it of course. (and here.) This head line only post at “giveusliberty1776” demonstrates the deep thinking going on: MIKE CASTLE – R DELAWARE ANOTHER IGNORNAT (sic) SO-CALLED PUBLIC SERVANT…VOTE THE DIMWIT OUT!!!!!” There is […]

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Sunday Morning Religious Instruction

Filed in National by on July 19, 2009 2 Comments

The wonderful story about God’s newest bestest idea and how Abraham and Ivan execute it.

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Late Night Video

Filed in Science and Health by on July 18, 2009 3 Comments

Videos about an interesting Virgin Mary sighting and the science of the sun.

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Could A Conservative Uprising Really Hurt Mike Castle?

Filed in Delaware by on July 18, 2009 65 Comments
Could A Conservative Uprising Really Hurt Mike Castle?

This post is an open letter to the number crunchers like John Tobin. CLick on “continued” to take a peek.

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They know no lows

Filed in International by on July 18, 2009 18 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] At least he didn’t call Obama a Ni99er, that’d be racist

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Filed in National by on July 18, 2009 15 Comments

Via CNN: Should a woman get pregnant (using IVF) if she’s 50 or older?

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Guest DJ John M. Young’s Music For the Masses

Filed in National by on July 18, 2009 10 Comments

Today we welcome a guest contributor, John Young, a frequent commenter and member of the Christina School Board, to Music for the Masses Saturday.

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