Archive for July, 2009

HOLY Shi…. Youtube Clips Make Me Feel Bad For Mike Castle

Filed in National by on July 18, 2009 49 Comments

A couple of things are going on here. Look at what the Republican party has become. Castle is trying to talk about health care reform and he keep s getting questions about Obama’s birth certificate. I don’t want to give away the big finish, but if you were Mike Castle would you still be a member of the Republican party?

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Obama’s NAACP Speech

Filed in National by on July 18, 2009 1 Comment

Video of President Obama’s July 16 speech to the NAACP celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding.

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R.I.P. Walter Cronkite

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 11 Comments

Legendary journalist Walter Cronkite has died.

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Kindle Irony

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 7 Comments

I am a tech geek, so this interests me. Apparently, there was an issue at Amazon with a publisher “changing their mind” about offering an electronic version of a book that had already been purchased. Ok, so they stop selling the books, right? Only half right. They actually remotely deleted the already purchased books off of their users Kindles and credited the user accounts for the price paid.

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Comment Rescue – Blogging about Blogging

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 10 Comments

I agree with Geezer 100% when he says that we should spend more time putting up good posts about Delaware issues and people and less time replying to moronic texans. Replying to morinic Texans is lazy blogging. In our defense I’d say that everyone is in summer slowdown mode and aside from Mike Castle playing […]

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Castle Votes No On Healthcare Reform

Filed in Delaware by on July 17, 2009 28 Comments

Mike Castle voted no on the healthcare reform bill from the House HELP committee, citing the tax on the top 1.5% of wealthy Americans as his reason.

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — BLT Cocktail!

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 7 Comments
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — BLT Cocktail!

No lie. Complete with instructions on how to make your own Bacon-flavored vodka, tomato juice, and lettuce air. Lettuce air. Sounds sort of good, though. Got a favorite summer cocktail? Tell us about it in the comments. And if you are planning to make these BLT cocktails be sure to invite us, OK?

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Fiscal Conservative Hypocrisy Watch

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 6 Comments

Do words have meaning to the GOP anymore? Famous Appalachian Trail hiker Mark Sanford ran for Congress and for governor of South Carolina as a penny-pinching fiscal conservative. Guess who’s a big hypocrite? Politico analyzed Sanford’s travel records: The records detail more than $468,000 worth of state-funded travel for Sanford and show that he routinely […]

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Dear Tiger Woods

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 9 Comments

Dear Tiger, Stop throwing your clubs.  You look like an asshole.  A billion dollar baby that millions of kids are watching.  I can already see the next generation of young golfers lobbing their clubs left and right, we don’t need you fueling the fire.   Be a better role model please. Grow up, Donviti

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Final Sotomayor Hearings Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 2 Comments

Highlights from Day 4 (final day) of the Sotomayor confirmation hearings.

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Around the Horn Friday

Filed in Delaware by on July 17, 2009 8 Comments

Well, this is our first Around the Horn in the new format and with a new logo, stolen directly from the ESPN show of the same name. Don’t lawyer up yet, ESPN. I am trying out different logos for this series while I design one myself. The hot topic in the Delaware blogosphere is the […]

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Friday Morning Funny

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 14 Comments

Glenn Beck shrieks like a baby during his radio show.  (the hysteria begins at 3:15 mark) BTW, I was raised that if you resort to yelling during an argument it means you’ve lost the debate.

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Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 10 Comments

How is the new health care plan going to be paid for? All stupid, idiotic, links to Protacks website and any other dumb ass comments and name calling in this thread will be deleted.  Lets make this one civil please.

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