Archive for July, 2009

Ho Hum, Another Christian Republican Adulterer

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009 18 Comments

Former Representative Chip Pickering’s estranged wife is suing his mistress for alienation of affection. Chip Pickering lived in the C Street Complex Christian fellowship home with both Senator John Ensign and Governor Mark Sanford.

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Inside Baseball Story on Castle’s Cap & Trade Vote Provides Even More Tea Leaves

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2009 18 Comments

Click through and read the whole “the hill” story. Or click on “Continued” and read my fair and balanced take on the article.

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The Wrongness. It Burns.

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 1 Comment

Conservatives could not have been more wrong if they were named Wrong W. McWrongfield, III. Seriously, you have to work at being as wrong as they were. Failing on such a massive scale makes most people fundamentally reevaluate their very existence. But what did these same conservatives all do? They supported Sarah Palin and championed anti-intellectualism in the last election. That is stunning.

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Cancer Death Rate Dropping

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 3 Comments
Cancer Death Rate Dropping

Via The Onion

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Jones in Recovery after Back Surgery

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 2 Comments

Libertarian Candidate Wendy Jones in the 19th SD Special Election next month endured six hours of back surgery today and is now in recovery, according to Libertarian Party Sussex County Chair Brian Shields, via Twitter. Indeed, Ms. Jones hopes to be well enough to participate in Monday’s debate. We wish her a speedy recovery.

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Filed in International by on July 16, 2009 13 Comments

How do the rich and powerful make it by in this unfair country?

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Open Thread: Jack Markell on WDEL 1150AM 1pm to 4pm Today

Filed in Delaware by on July 16, 2009 25 Comments

Update: I promoted this since they are on now. Has a sitting Governor ever guest hosted a radio talk show? Will Brian Selander let any real questions get through? Is Rick Jensen’s studio alter to Sarah Palin still relatively unmolested? Will the guy who thinks the state should raise money by enforcing speed limits call […]

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Religious Consistency

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 37 Comments

RSmitty brought this email to my attention, and while I don’t agree with all of it (especially the single mother nonsense) it is a refreshing read. Hmmm… wonder when this letter will be posted at Delaware Politics? Surely, they would embrace this philosophy with open arms.

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News Analysis: Mike Castle Will Not Run. If He Runs He Will Not Win.

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2009 18 Comments

Yes. It is that simple.

Mike Castle’s financial report confirms what we all know. Mike Castle’s heart is not in a Senate run and while he claims that the fundraising will come if he decides to run – that easy going attitude is yet another tell. He has spent the past year burning something that is as valuable in politics as money…time. And even today he is ostentatiously not campaigning. Why?

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Republican Fools

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 92 Comments

Something has happened to me over the last month – I can no longer sustain my outrage over Republican idiocy.  There’s just too much stupid.  Here’s the latest. Catherine Crabill, the Republican Party’s nominee for Virginia’s 99th District in the House of Delegates, gave a speech at a recent political event suggesting that Second Amendment […]

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Sotomayor Hearings Day 4 Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 5 Comments

Highlights from day 3 of the confirmation hearings for Sonia Sotomayor.

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Werner Fired

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 7 Comments

Last night we heard from a source that DNREC Director of the Division of Air and Waste Management Jim Werner was being replaced by Marge Crofts. Now we have learned that Werner was fired.

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Carney Raises $262 K

Filed in National by on July 16, 2009 9 Comments

Earlier this week we learned that Mike Castle raised around $125,000 during the last quarter, with only $14,000 of that amount coming from individual contributions and the balance coming from PACs and other political committees. We have remarked that these are hardly encouraging numbers for a man who plans to run for the Senate. Indeed, […]

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