Archive for July, 2009

UPDATED: WDEL 1150AM 1pm to 4pm / July 13th – 17th – Be there

Filed in Delaware by on July 13, 2009 12 Comments

UPDATE: I have to urge everyone to tune in and listen to Matt Denn this afternoon. The guy is funny as hell and very unguarded for a politician. He is also a sports nut (but hates hockey with a white hot passion) so he might be able to answer any Philly sports questions that are nagging at you provided they are not about hockey.


Normally at that time and channel, the airwaves are being polluted by the execrable Rick Jensen. However, with Jensen having puss drained out of the growth on his back this week, the show looks promising.

Monday (7/13) – Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn
Tuesday (7/14) – Tyler Nixon, Libertarian Party of Del.
Wednesday (7/15) – Del. State Rep. Deborah Hudson,
former State Senator Charlie Copeland &
Republican Party of Delaware chairman Tom Ross
Thursday (7/16) – Delaware Governor Jack Markell
Friday (7/17) – Wilmington Mayor Jim Baker

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Push For Fed Investigations of Bush Administration Gains Momentum

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009 14 Comments

John Manifold yesterday predicted that Scott Shane and the NY Times would follow up on their breaking story linking Dick Cheney to a CIA coverup with Congress. He was right. Eventual investigations almost seem inevitable now. In addition to the flood of information that was ‘dumped’ with the Friday release of the Inspector Generals’ reports, […]

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Sotomayor Hearings Start Today

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009 78 Comments

Within weeks we should have a new Supreme Court associate justice, but the Republicans will try to make things interesting. Among the people that have been called as witnesses against Sotomayor are a Bush appointee who foresaw the need to create internment camps for Arab-Americans, anti-abortion activists and Frank Ricci, the dyslexic fireman from the […]

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Valley Swim Club Invites Kids Back To Pool

Filed in Delaware by on July 13, 2009 7 Comments

Earlier this week we read about the Valley Swim Club in Philadelphia which turned away 65 mostly African-American kids from a day camp. Today the Valley Swim Club announced that they were reversing the decision. Duesler said the club canceled its contract with the Creative Steps day-care because of safety, crowding and noise concerns, not […]

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Late Nite Oddity – Iranian Unrest Media Timeline

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 1 Comment
Late Nite Oddity – Iranian Unrest Media Timeline

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The New Rules

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2009 45 Comments

Welcome to Delaware Liberal 3.0. Along with the site redesign, we have decided to grant a complete and total amnesty to all previously banned or moderated commentators out there who have broken our site rules in the past. Why? Because we wanted to post iron clad and transparent rules for commenting on Delaware Liberal so […]

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Welcome to DelawareLiberal 3.0

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2009 93 Comments

If you are reading this, hopefully the site looks very different than it did the last time you visited.  If not, I screwed up again. Our new site is designed to improve your access to the best stories that we produce, while keeping all stories alive longer.  We hope you like it.  As always, we […]

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 2 Comments

I wonder if she would have quit as VP?

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Voters Favor Taxing The Rich….go figure.

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 29 Comments

Good stuff from I don’t know which will be more satisfying. Seeing the Dems do the right thing for a change, or listening to the working class republican sheep bitch and moan about Pete DuPont being forced to pay 1% more in taxes.

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The Sarah Palin Party

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 15 Comments

There has been endless discussion on this blog and elsewhere about Sarah Palin and her relationship with the Republican Party. Peggy Noonan wrote a recent op-ed about Sarah Palin, and how she’s a creation of the elite branch of the Republican Party: America doesn’t need Sarah Palin to prove it was, and is, a nation […]

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How They Voted This Week

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 12, 2009 7 Comments


2010 foreign-affairs budget. Voting 318-106, the House approved a $48.8 billion foreign-affairs budget (HR 3081) for fiscal 2010 that provides $9.6 billion to operate the Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development while funding the hiring of more than 1,300 Foreign Service officers for duty mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan. MIKE CASTLE voted to pass the bill.

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“Gun Grabber” Mike Castle Coming for Your Glock

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2009 7 Comments
“Gun Grabber” Mike Castle Coming for Your Glock

C’mon wingnut NRA freakshow. Pour millions into a primary. Pretty please… In all seriousness, this is a great tactical move by Castle as he tries to distance himself from the moronic shrieking mob on the right. Delaware is to the left on gun control and taking this up as a banner issue is hot button […]

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The Dangers Of A Two Party System

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 7 Comments

Several weeks ago I wrote a post pointing out how, through closed primaries, the 21%ers will control who’s at the top of the Republican ticket.  Frank Rich digs deeper, and, as bored as I am with Sarah Palin, Rich points out why we may be dealing with her in 2012.  (Read the whole article.) In […]

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