Archive for July, 2009

First Uncle Thurm … Now Aunt Polly?

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 23 Comments

Jason and I have endorsed the Libertarian candidate Wendy Jones in this race for good reason. Because Polly Adams Mervine shows that the apple does not fall far from the tree. She and her husband are disgusting bigots and it is long past time that we rid our Democratic Party of such filth. We Democrats stand for equality for all, and it is quite clear that Polly Adams Mervine and her husband (whomever is the candidate here, since I can no longer tell) do not.

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Tina Fey As Sarah Palin

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 4 Comments

Tina Fey portrays Sarah Palin on SNL, with appearances of Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton and Katie Couric.

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News Journal Belatedly Addresses The Birthers

Filed in Delaware by on July 26, 2009 12 Comments

Cross-posted at Daily Kos. The News Journal has been pretty late in the game in discussing what happened in Georgetown with Mike Castle and the birthers, but they have an article in today’s paper about the incident. The thrust of the article is about the distorting effect of the YouTube age, but it does get […]

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Sarah Palin Day – The Katie Couric Interview

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 0 Comments

Sarah Palin famous interview with Katie Couric, the interview that launched a thousand jokes.

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-Non You-Know-Who Edition

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 3 Comments

Since others are covering a certain landmark in the History of Narcissism today, the only narcissism running rampant here will be that of El Somnambulo, the Ne Plus Ultra (remember, kids, the universally-beloved ‘bulo is both multi-lingual and a master of cunning linguistics) of Masked Bloggers. As such, there is no lead story today, b/c […]

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Happy Sarah Palin Day!

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 19 Comments
Happy Sarah Palin Day!

Dear Sarah, As you step down as Governor of Alaska and into punditry, I wanted to thank you for destroying John McCain’s chances of beating Barrack Obama. I will always love you for that. I hope you can keep “bringing the crazy” and make the entire Republican party radio-active to the cast majority of Americans. […]

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Don’t Forget… Drinking Liberally Comes To Sussex

Filed in Delaware by on July 26, 2009 5 Comments

It’s finally arrived.  Drinking Liberally comes to Sussex County – and I’m hoping (given all the comments in the past regarding location) there will be a big turn-out! When:  Thursday, July 30th Where: The Purple Parrot, 247 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach, DE.  We will meet on the patio. Time: 7:00 p.m. And just for fun… […]

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Sarah Palin Day – The Charlie Gibson Interview

Filed in National by on July 26, 2009 1 Comment

Sarah Palin is interviewed by Charlie Gibson where she made her first big gaffe regarding the Bush doctrine.

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 30 Comments

People that have cancer and other really expensive health issues shouldnt NOT be allowed coverage in my helath plan.  The last fucking thing I want to do is have to spend my hard earned money on keeping them alive.  Besides, how is the CEO running that company supposed to make a living if we keep […]

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falling tree meet forest

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 1 Comment

Yawn. When I get me some Army tanks rolling down main street to arrest a couple of fuktards with M-16’s and dvr’d copies of “Wolverine”!  bitches!!!!!

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Tomorrow is Sarah Palin Day!

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 1 Comment

Tomorrow is Sarah Palin’s last day as governor of Alaska. I know you’re all broken up about this. Sarah Palin’s last press conference as governor will be held at 6 p.m. tomorrow. I plan on liveblogging. Join us here to relive your favorite memories of Sarah Palin before she embarks on her new, more lucrative […]

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Darth Vader Hammertime

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 2 Comments

Jason330 is so going to love this:

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The 19 Commandments of the Republican Party

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 5 Comments

This is from frequently hilarious commenter Dickday over at TPMCafe (caps are his, but imagine Fred Thompson’s voice reading this):

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