Delaware Liberal

Progress on Delaware’s National Park?

That is what I thought I was going to get in this USN&WR blog post. But basically this tells us that Senator Tom Carper is now leading the charge on this thing now that Biden is VP. And that the stars seem to be aligned for us to finally get this park:

Delaware doesn’t have what most national parks do—vast acreage. But at the suggestion of First State citizens, Interior is looking at a unique model that would connect historical and cultural landmarks in a collection of spoke and hub patterns, like a bike. “A hub with spokes leading to maybe the Golden Fleece Tavern where the Constitution was first debated and ratified in 1787,” suggests Carper. “Or the spokes could lead to stops on the Underground Railroad.” Legislation is required, but with the support of Biden and Salazar, says Carper, “I like our chances.”

I hope we get this park too, and I’m very interested in how they seem to be structuring it — it will encourage visitors to roam all over the state, I think. I wish we had some news other than Carper is working on it. But this is not a bash Carper post — this is an effort that I think we all agree could be a fantastic thing for us.

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