Deep thought

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009

Republicans are hypocrites:

Example 2,004,092,584,329:

Watch Lindsey “the weasel” Graham double speak on North Korea. Mr. We don’t talk with Nations that support terrorism says in this clip that he wants to categorize them as a nation that supports terrorism and that he also supports talking to them. Meredith Vierra actually sort of catches him and then even smirks when he says it. Of course, she let’s him off the hook and doesn’t question what he means. Which in hindsight wasn’t a bad move. Just let that contradiction stand for itself. Sort of like when he said he was in favor of offshore drilling then 2 years earlier he wasn’t. What a stand up guy.

What exactly is the foreign policy the Republicans stand for?

Example 2,004,092,584,330:

“We do need earmark reform,” said Graham. “I wish [the president] would veto the bill, we’d get back together and come up with the earmark reform process.”

Seconds later, however, Graham was reminded that he himself had inserted 37 earmarks in the legislation, including $950,000 for “a convention center in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. His error is a bipartisan one, it is called incumbency.

    The only country who can talk to N Korea is China and we can’t lean on China because they have us where they want us. Debt is a bad thing.

    Mike Protack

  2. Carnac the Magnificent holds an envelope up to his head and says, “Incumbency.”

    Ed McMahon laughs.

    Carnac the Magnificent disdainfully looks at Ed and opens the envelope.

    Carnac the Magnificent reads the paper aloud, “Incumbency, something Mike Protack knows nothing about.”

  3. I’m not certain what Republican stand for. I understand what they’re against – the socialists that live under their bed.

  4. mike w. says:

    “the socialists that live under their bed.”

    And by “under their bed” you mean in the White House.

  5. No, I mean the socialists that live only in your imagination (and that of your radio overlords).

  6. mike w. says:

    I guess all of the cries of BUSH = FASCIST from this site and liberals were likewise imaginative (and that of your liberal media overlords)

  7. Tom S says:

    The real question is whether N. Korea will contribute to BO’s re-election like Clinton and the Chinese.

  8. like Saudi Arabia did for Bush? yawn…

  9. way to add value to a thread Mike and Tom. Typical.

  10. Tom S says:

    Absolutely!…like Saudi Arabia for Bush and Vietnam for Johnson and Africa for William Jefferson.

  11. anon says:

    I almost prefer Tom S. and Mike W. when they are just cutting and pasting the talking points instead of trying to wing it on their own.

  12. Tom S says:

    I do prefer when anon tries to stereotype than tries to make a joke.

  13. mike w. says:

    I basically made the same commemt as your buddy UI, just changed a few words.

    I’m just bringing myself down to the lowest common denominator of the typical Delaware Liberal contributor. Besides, I have to dumb it down for you DV. Hell, after the whole spoon/gun beatdown It’s obvious you’re not too intelligent.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    lookey here at mensa mike droppin grades on people.


    got any more mad lib putdown paragraphs we can use?

  15. Progressive Mom says:

    I’ve noticed that recently — especially since the format change here — a handful of folks are managing to hijack every thread away from its subject and into three distinct avenues:
    1. Democratic officials did something bad sometime in the past;
    2. Republic officials did something good sometime in the past;
    3. I’m brilliant and you’re not.

    I think the Republics have a new tactic for the blogosphere: just make certain no one is ever allowed to have a real discussion. Even if it takes third-grade name calling.

    This site is morphing into the written equivalent of those silly “crazy Eileen” sessions, and it’s a shame.