Filed in National by on August 5, 2009

When the economy comes back from the recession created by a former president starting 2 wars and cutting taxes at the same for the first time in our nations history, what will that say?

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hiding in the open

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  1. That even a dead cat bounces.

    KIDDING! Calm the hell down.

  2. Republicans will say it came back because of their obstructionism.

  3. Suzanne says:

    Prayers did it – lots and lots of prayers by birthers…

  4. anon4 says:

    Anyone see auto sales up 16% in July with Ford posting their first profit in 2 years. Cash for Clunkers a huge success. Today THE MAN, Barack Obama, will announce $2.4 billion in grants to developers of next-generation car batteries and parts. What, no tax breaks for gas guzzlers? Boo hoo. Oh the days of GWB. Thank god the dems are erasing bad policy like trillion dollar tax breaks for gas guzzlers.

    Home sales up five straight months. Rebate checks a huge success.

    Stock market with biggest July in 20 years. Surge continues in August.

    Consumer spending up.

    Big Bill delivers BIG with release of two journalists.

    Man, we haven’t heard from any pirates lately. What up?

    Me thinks the republicans have more problems. They said Obama would destroy the country’s economy. Instead, he is rescuing it and setting policy that is good for the nation. The republicans will be reduced to saying “we’re against spending, even when it works.”

    Or something like that.

  5. They are too busy making their Obama = Hitler signs to comment on these items, anon4.

  6. If you think those things caused the recession you have no clue about anything. Sooner or later you and Obama have to figure out two very fundamental things-Bush is not President and every economic stat you quote about Bush has become much,much worse under Obama.

    You can have your own opinion but your own facts.

    The stock market is not important, it is like a tracking poll-Obama March 2009.

    The unemployment rate will go over 10% and stay above 9% till late 2010-Krugman

    The deficit was high under Bush, it went much higher under Obama.

    The car companies are doing great? Two are in bankruptcy and we, taxpayers put $80 billion in to them and have nothing in return.

    Obama has failed on Check Card for unions, failed on Cap and Trade, failing on health care and thinks police act stupidly.

    Geithner and Summers, the Pirates are prepping us for tax increases (VAT).

    How is that hope and change doing for you?

    Nice try but you make the old Pravda look accurate.

    Mike Prootack

  7. The stock market is not important, it is like a tracking poll-Obama March 2009.



    How to catch Protack in a lie


    Rebuild the Delaware GOP
    Submitted on 2009/03/08 at 11:41am
    The longer the focus is on Limbaugh the worse for the Democrats and the GOP loses nothing. It goves the GOP cover while a real leader emerges.

    Limbaugh over the years has an audience of 18-20 million listeners every week regardless of who has been President or who is running for President. Limbaugh doesn’t change his tune based on outside personalities.

    However, external events are his forte’ and the economic distress the Nation feels now and will for years is going to be his mantra.

    For those who do not get it, Limbaugh is not the leader of the GOP. He happens to be the devil the Dems want to cast as the antichrist just as Palin, Cheney, Gingrich, Delay etc were.

    When unemployment hits close to 10% and stays there, when the stock market goes close to 5,000 and stays there you will have a hard time blaming Limbaugh for anything. That person will be President Obama.


    Submitted on 2009/03/01 at 5:40pm
    Yes, the stock market has lost considerable ground since Obama was elected, an undeniable fact. N0 one expects a miracle but the losses are getting worse because of Obama’s actions. Markets are not fooled by hope and change as so many voters were last fall.

    Must be nice to change the standards you hold someone too.