Mark Sanford Victim of Friday News ‘Dump’

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009

In this case, his wife has done the dumping. She and the kids are vacating the Governor’s Mansion.

Fortunately, she will not have to take a vow of poverty:

But the first lady said Friday that she will move to the family’s oceanfront cottage on Sullivan’s Island, a lush beach enclave near Charleston almost two hours by car from the state capitol, where her husband remains in office. She said their sons, who had gone to school in the Columbia area, will now attend school in the Charleston area.

And, though it’s a matter of speculation, ‘bulo suspects that the Governor will not be taking a vow of chastity, either.

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  1. Scott P says:

    C’mon now, ‘bulo, give the man a break. It was all just a simple misunderstanding. The GOP wanted to “Get in with Southern Americans”. Gov. Sanford thought they said “Get in South Americans”. Just an honest mistake.

  2. anon says:

    Uh-oh… remember Lindsey Graham saying Sanford could keep his job if he reconciled with his wife? This move sounds like a prelude to a resignation.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    remember Lindsey Graham saying Sanford could keep his job if he reconciled with his wife

    C Street Rules!

  4. LOL, anon.

    Is Ensign also being kicked to the curb?

    The chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) pointedly refused to endorse the reelection prospects of embattled Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.), who faces voters in 2012.

    Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who succeeded Ensign atop the GOP’s Senate campaign arm, told reporters Wednesday he would not comment on races next cycle. Cornyn said Republicans have been giving Ensign space since he admitted in June to having an affair with a close family friend who worked on his campaign.

    “Sen. Ensign and his family and everybody involved have been through a very tough time, and I think all of us have tried to give him and his family and all involved the space to work through that,” Cornyn said when asked whether he would support Ensign’s bid for a third term.

  5. Progressive Mom says:

    Lindsey will never remember that he said it. And neither will any Republican. Because Sanford has asked God for forgiveness, and God told him that Sanford is King David. Or something like that.

  6. the cajun says:

    The original cover story was too much to take. She left with the boys and her dignity. What does he have left? His Bible and the C street home for wayward boys. Pathetic!

  7. C-Street appears to be for wayward Christian pols what Betty Ford is to Hollywood’s coke-snorters–a plausible way to rehabilitate your rep while doing nothing to actually, you know, rehab.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    C Street seems to be ground zero for the mindset that thinks you can cheat on your wife while wagging your finger about family values to everyone else. And lets you keep your elected job, because you are a Chosen One and the usual moral rules do not apply to you if you are an acolyte of the C Street Rules.

  9. Momo says:

    A man can be just as nurturing of Marky as any woman! Give us a kiss…marky!