Delaware Liberal

UPDATED: Sorry About Wrecking Town Hall Meetings

When I found that Youtube clip of Castle being berated by Sussex County idiots I was delighted. Castle looked so hurt and unhappy when the guy told him that he wasn’t going to vote for him that I couldn’t wait to put it up on the best political blog in Delaware. So that’s what I did on July 18th. Little did I know then that I was going to start a national craze among angry post-middle-aged mental defectives. Little did I know that they would truck out their wheelchair bound sons and other props to take part in the “Summer of Spittle” (c).

When I posted it and then started linking to every place it appeared in order to boost up it’s google rank I thought I was just sticking my finger in Castle’s pudding. I didn’t think I was a latter day Elvis putting the staid and dusty Lawrence Welkian town hall meeting to death with my wild bloggy hips. I didn’t think constantly searching and linking and relinking to versions of the clip would drive the girls wild, and that it would blow up on July 20th at 2:33 in the afternoon when Drudge picked it up.

If I had known my power to influence national events it might have given me pause. I might have said to myself, “When the wingnut losers get a load of this they are going to be inspired to know that their idiocy is shared by people in Georgetown Delaware.” I might have figured out that rather than shamefully hiding their ignorance, they would feel emboldened to festoon the town halls across America with angry gibberish and peevish nonsense. I probably would have done everything I did, but I would have thought about it for a second.

Anyway. Sorry.

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