Delaware Liberal

Cash For Clunkers widdled to 1984 cars and younger

As I said last week the cash for clunkers program fell short of what it could have been.  As expected, the lobbyists got their way.  Nothing has changed in Washington, the powerful and special interests (almost one in the same) don’t want change and we all know who pays for the stagnation.

Apparently the classic car lobby didn’t want that 1983 Datsun traded in and smashed.  Why, because it is a classic car.  You and I both know that a classic 1983 Datsun is that muscle car we can’t wait to restore as we get up in years right?  Also, another lobbying group for specialty parts didn’t want those cars off the road either.

Those same owners, desperate to keep their jalopies afloat, are routinely gouged on the price of replacement parts. And the people who sell those parts are the ones who lobbied to have pre-1984 cars excluded. The Specialty Equipment Market Assn., which represents 7,000 car parts makers, thought the program would hurt the market for used and specialty parts.

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