Filed in National by on August 16, 2009

What bones has Obama thrown the progressives since he has been in office?

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hiding in the open

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  1. nemski says:

    He ain’t Bush.

  2. nemski says:

    He ain’t McCain.

  3. nemski says:

    Biden ain’t Palin.

  4. Scott P says:

    Seriously, though, there have not been many, which is why it amazes me that “the country” is rallying against Obama the raging liberal/socialist/fascist/insert ominous epithet of your choice. The “Librul Media” unfailingly makes it seem as if the only sides are Obama and the far right. That makes Obama the left edge of the debate. They ignore that there are people to the left of the POTUS, who might not be happy with his performance on things like Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell, public option/single payer, executive privilege, or Gitmo,just to name a few.

    Don’t get me wrong — I am a big supporter and I recognize that BHO has done more to advance the progressive cause than anyone in my lifetime (goes back to RMN). But it should be fairly noted he is not the leftmost edge of the world, and there are many left of him that are a bit disillusioned. In his defense, though, we are just beginning.

  5. Another Mike says:

    I’m a bit disappointed with the slow pace of things, but I’m willing to give him time on Gitmo, DADT, health care. He’s finding out just how far his “friends” in Congress will go to protect their special interests and donors.

    What really bugs me is his administration’s continued use of indefinite detention and state secrets. I’m much less inclined to give him slack on these.

  6. skippertee says:

    He’ll throw us the biggest bone of all if he shoves “no public option”up our asses.

  7. skippertee says:

    And strategist James Carville became the first leading Democrat to suggest publicly that there might be political advantage in letting Republicans “kill” health care.

    “Put a bill out there, make them filibuster it, make them be what they are, the party of no,” Carville said. “Let them kill it. Let them kill it with the interest group money, then run against them. That’s what we ought to do.”

    I’m leaning towards this if there is no public option.

  8. Scott P says:

    The problem with that strategy is that the media won’t report it that way. All the rest of America will hear is that “Obama’s health care reform dies!” or “Obama loses, GOP wins on health care!”. On every major vote since January, the GOP has shown it is only interested in creating lies and saying “No”.

    Although ideally I’d prefer more than what was even introduced legislatively, I’m starting to think something is better than nothing. What would be easier in a year or two (or more)– adding a public option to reform that people have grown to like, or starting over from scratch? The incremental additions is what was done with Social Security. And by Democratic AND GOP administrations, I might add.