Richard Korn to Run for State Auditor

Filed in Delaware by on August 18, 2009

It is a very good campaign logo.

From his campaign press release:

Our community, state and nation are going through one of, if not the most challenging economic times in recent history. Due to a lack of oversight and foresight, greed and irresponsibility have run rampant and have nearly ruined our economy. It’s no wonder so much anxiety about this economic black hole looms over the homes of our friends, neighbors and families. NOW, MORE THAN EVER, IT’S PROFOUNDLY IMPORTANT TO ENSURE THAT OUR GOVERNMENT USES OUR TAXES IN THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT WAYS POSSIBLE. It’s not just a challenge, but an obligation and an opportunity for us to work together to make our government more transparent and accountable.

THE STATE AUDITOR IS YOUR WATCHDOG AGAINST FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE. I’m running for State Auditor because – as a citizen taxpayer – I’ve been accountable to you in the past and will continue to do so as your State Auditor. I’ve FOUGHT for and won accountability and transparency in New Castle County’s budget. I’ve FOUGHT against fraud by helping pass the Delaware Workplace Fraud Act, which should bring millions of dollars to our state treasury and prevents employers from taking advantage of their employees. I’ve FOUGHT for the poor by helping bring over a million gallons of discounted and free heating oil to low-income families annually. Throughout OUR campaign I will be releasing plans to further my watchdog work as your State Auditor.

Richard Korn has been a behind-the-scenes and in front of the curtain player in Democratic politics in Delaware for years, after moving here from Long Island. He has run for the General Assembly and for New Castle County Executive. In both Nassau County, NY and here in New Castle County, he has been successful in going to court to force both counties to better account for their cash reserves, as both counties at the time were employing questionable bookkeeping practices to produce budget surpluses. He hopes to parlay that background into a campaign for the State Auditorship.

I wonder, though, whether it is too late. First, Korn appears lacks a background in accounting other than his county challenges described above. And those accomplishments fade with time. Second, I believe we are past the point where Wagner can be taken out of the Auditor’s office involuntarily. The time to take out Wagner was in 2006, a very anti-Republican year when Wagner and Castle were the only two state wide Republican incumbents running. He survived, and won reelection, albeit by a close margin. Now, in 2010, the focus will be on the open House and Senate races. And I suspect, and fear, the Auditor’s race will fly below the radar.

I hope I am wrong on both counts, on my assessment of Korn and Wagner.

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  1. Around the Horn Sunday : Delaware Liberal | August 23, 2009
  1. nemski says:

    God, he was always such a dweeb on Home Improvements.

  2. anon2 says:


  3. Two points:

    (1)-Not only is it not too late, but a run challenging Wagner’s do-nothingism has every possibility of success. No one has ever properly articulated a challenge to Wagner that emphasizes his good-ol’-boy laziness. A good Democrat with the right message takes Wagner out, period.

    (2)-Korn would be an utter disaster. Despite his bragadocio, Korn has never had a legislative impact on anything. And, he’s an operator with close ties to IC Karen Weldin Stewart. Do you want a state auditor who will not shine the light on what appears to be a rogue operation?

    Also, Korn has close ties with Brian McGlinchey and that Working Families bunch. The Beast Who Knows Seedy Characters When He Sees Them predicts that that is the ONLY party that will have Korn on their ticket.

    At least he hopes so.

    Besides, how can you trust a guy sporting a tropical tan in the dead of winter?

  4. careful what you say about people…they may reveal your real name in an attempt to get you to stop commenting meany, meany things about them….

  5. XStryker says:

    A transplant from Nassau County? I think he just won my endorsement. 😉

    Now I need to find out whether he’s from north shore or south shore.

  6. Isn’t he kind of like your side’s you-know-who, just without the job 35k feet high?

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, he is getting there.

  8. jason330 says:

    I have a different take than El Som. Korn has always been a friend to the blog and a PDD supporter. Until he said it, I never heard of any Working Families Party connections.

    I think what he lacks as an accountant he could more than make up for with smarts, tenacity, independence, and drive.

  9. jason330 says:

    BTW, Wagner nearly lost to a guy who spent what? Three hundred bucks? He is so beatable.

  10. anonone says:

    Korn would be great in that position. He has a record as a reformer and has been a friend to liberal causes for years. He is also an entrepreneur with a solid track record in business.

    Tying his record of accomplishment with KWS is a smear job. You’re better than that, ‘Bulo.

  11. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m agreeing with A1 here. When it comes to things like exposing bureaucratic funny business and fiscal abuse by government entities, I think Korn’s a fine guy for the job.

    Also, I am totally unaware of any Korn/KWS alliance and I think your claims may be a bit dubious.

    That being said, ‘bulo, I need to introduce you to an artist you may never have heard of. Joe Henry released a new record today. As I’ve enjoyed your Saturday music posts in the past, I thought I’d suggest this one to you. Album is called “Blood for Stars” and I’ve uploaded one of its songs to my Hipcast account. This is called “The Man I Keep Hid.”

  12. I’ve actually spoken to Richard about this run in a casual manner. I told him what I think an Auditor’s office should be. It should be filled with investigate reporters who can spend their hours looking over budgets and expense reports to look for abuse, theft, shitty accounting, etc. Korn actually understood where I was coming from and agreed that the office needs to be aggressive and proactive in going after this stuff.

    That being said, I like Tom Wagner. I’m not sure I like when he boasts that he’s cut his office’s budget over the years. I mean, seriously, if any office should be very well-staffed (perhaps even OVERSTAFFED), it’s the auditor’s office. My problem with Wagner is that his office only seems to go after the big fish once The News Journal has already exposed the problem. LoFink. Red Clay. Peoples’ Settlement. Need I say more?

  13. Rebecca says:

    Hey El Som, I think we oughta talk about Richard. I am unaware of any ties between Richard and KWS, and I count Richard as a friend. Maggie too. They are very fine people. If you recall it was Richard’s candidacy for the 20th Rep that scared Roger Roy into retirement. If he did nothing else for Delaware we all owe him for that. But he’s done so much. Free heating oil for the poor and St. Francis hospital. The workplace fraud bill.

    While Richard may not be an accountant he is a lawyer, and the son of a laywer. His family has a tradition of public service that he takes very seriously.

    Oh, I have to put a disclaimer here or I will hear about it. I am speaking personally and not on behalf of PDD. As you know, PDD has an endorsement committee that vets candidates before we endorse.

  14. Que Qhe says:

    Korn seems like a questionable, equivocal slimeball. He simply sues county governments in order to build public opinion. That’s not on behalf of his neighbors, but on behalf of his ambition.

    He seems a little too stiff and backroom-esque for me. Mitt Romney syndrome.

  15. anoni says:

    for those of you unfamiliar with Delaware law….

    The State Auditor has no power of prosecution or to implement the changes/improvements called out in his audits. Prosecution falls to the AG and implementation falls to the Governor (or the Gen Assembly if a change in the law is required).

  16. I concur with Rebecca that Korn is an outstanding individual. Contrary to those who naysay his lawsuit, he saw through the county’s funny accounting when no one else did. And he did something about it and prevailed. Also, she rightly gives kudos to his leadership on the workplace fraud bill.

    The Auditor of Accounts leads a department of accountants. Elsie here must be confused if he thinks Wagner himself touches any of the work that his staff accomplishes. No doubt Wagner would readily admit that he doesn’t do any actual accounting or investigating…

    Case in point: Wagner’s office just put out a report on double dippers with at least one GLARING error:

    “From the WNJ under ‘corrections’ ~

    JUDGE NOT RECEIVING PENSION: Court of Common Pleas Judge Charles W.
    Welch III is not receiving a pension from the State of Delaware. A state
    auditor’s report on the practice of rehiring retired state employees — the
    subject of a front-page story Monday — erroneously included Welch.”

    Jusy sayin’

  17. oops – my comment must have had too many links. Perhaps it can be resurrected.

    My point was that Korn’s vastly qualified to lead the office of the Audit of Accounts.

  18. My problem with Wagner is that his office only seems to go after the big fish once The News Journal has already exposed the problem. LoFink. Red Clay. Peoples’ Settlement. Need I say more?

    Mike, you could start by saying something based on the facts.

    The WNJ did not “expose PSA” prior to Wagner’s audit. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY wrong on that one, dearie. You must have spent too much time listening to Charles Potter, Mark Brunswick and Dave Burris on that one.

  19. anon says:

    I hate to be cynical, but the state doesn’t want an overstaffed auditor’s office and they certainly DO NOT want that office to have ANY authority whatsoover. That goes for both parties. They just want the appearance of authority. Otherwise, lots of political croonies would have already spent considerable time in jail and that would not be the Delaware Way.

  20. Wagner will probably admit that he doesn’t do his own accounting. His last report had this error (reported in the WNJ’s Corrections section):
    JUDGE NOT RECEIVING PENSION: Court of Common Pleas Judge Charles W. Welch III is not receiving a pension from the State of Delaware. A state auditor’s report on the practice of rehiring retired state employees — the subject of a front-page story Monday — erroneously included Welch.

    I don’t see Tom taking ‘the fall’ for that doosey.

  21. MM-‘Bulo’s heard of Joe Henry. An early fan until Henry sort-of morphed together into Freedy Johnston/Steve Forbert. A close but no cigarillo for El Somnambulo.

    However, Henry has done a GREAT job of producing and uncovering some great musical gems. He became a producer several years ago and resurrected the career of great soul singer Bettye LaVette by producing her landmark “I’ve Got My Own Hell to Raise” album. One of the greatest soul singers of all-time. Check her out:

    That. Is. Greatness.

  22. There is also another Democrat running for State Auditor, Ken Matlusky.

  23. PBaumbach says:

    Is Ken Matlusky the brother of a DE Republican (county party chair, perhaps)? I recall his attending a PDD or Obama meeting–he seemed solid.

  24. John Matlusky was the National Committeeman for the DE GOP (no longer held by him). I have no idea, though, if there is a relation.

  25. PBaumbach says:

    I’m pretty certain that Ken is John’s brother, and that Ken has ‘seen the light.’

  26. Belinsky says:

    Have been waiting three years for Korn’s answers:

  27. Belinski, you aren’t the only one. The way I heard it, Celia was PAID to write that hit piece by Roger Roy and his pals. When she was given refuting documents, Celia did’t bother to write a correction. But Ron Williams did. Search out his rebuttal or pick up that phone and ask Richard about it. Or ask your pal at DE Grapevine since she has seen the paperwork she should be able to tell you the truth.

  28. callerRick says:

    It was a pleasure to meet Korn, and his wife, Kandy.

  29. Belinsky says:

    Nancy – I’ve seen Korn’s explanation. It was a page-long whine ad hominem whine about being an outsider.

    Korn’s a shaky jake. Don’t waste your good energies on him.

  30. Cohen printed her version in Grapevine in 2006. Mr. Serial Lawsuit did not sue her. Wonder why.

    Whether Cohen was ‘paid’ to write the piece (proof, please?) is almost beside the point if what she reported (and she claims that she actually read the court records) is correct.

    The Beast Who Slumbers will gladly accept representations that what Cohen wrote was a ‘hit piece’ when and if someone, anyone, factually disproves what she wrote.

    DL would be happy to have Richard Korn come here and write a refutation, if indeed he rebuts point-by-point what Cohen wrote and demonstrates that any of it it is demonstrably false.

    Otherwise, it’s caveat emptor for this cautious shopper.

  31. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, ‘Bulo, the basic facts of the piece can be true, but the tone and conclusions reached in the column are what make it a hit piece. Maybe it is a distinction without a difference.

  32. Yes, DD, it comes down to taking the worst possible interpretation of events.

  33. Well, even the best possible interpretation of events raises serious questions. ‘Bulo thinks it would make sense for DL to have a wide-ranging on-the-record interview with him. While the Beast Who Slumbers is currently a skeptic, when people like Rebecca Young sing his praises, then he certainly must have SOMEthing going for him.


  34. Sure, if he’s agreeable. I would hope that he would address the allegations as well. I have a feeling that these allegations might hurt him, hanging out there. We shouldn’t play favorites – we should also give Ken Matlusky an opportunity.