Oopsie! “Anti-Corruption” Candidate Christie Admits Ethics Violation

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009

One of the off-year races that people have been watching is the New Jersey governor race between incumbent Jon Corzine and challenger Chris Christie. Corzine has been in danger of losing the race, and polling has shown him trailing Christie by double digits. Corzine is not universally loved and Christie came across as a straight-shooter, anti-corruption candidate. Well, not so much anymore:

A contrite Christopher J. Christie, the Republican former prosecutor running for governor on a platform of corruption busting and ethical reform, apologized Tuesday for failing to report a $46,000 loan to a top aide on his tax returns and financial-disclosure forms.

“When I make mistakes, I’m going to admit them,” he said, adding that he had already amended some of those filings and would finish the rest by Friday. “It was certainly nothing that I was trying to conceal or hide.”

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Not good news for Christie but I think these two facts will hurt Corzine.

    There are 553 toll boths in New Jersey.

    In the US, 13 of the top 20 tax rate counties for property taxes are in New Jersey.

    Mike Protack

  2. callerRick says:

    Corzine is not ‘universally loved?’ I don’t think he’s even infinitesimally loved.