Delaware Liberal

NCCo Government Thinking of Advertising on Their Website

The Community News reports that NCCo is thinking seriously of allowing advertisers for the government’s website to help raise money:

Like other sites, Sheldon envisions banner ads across the top of the page and along the sides, with advertisers paying the county a small fee per click.

But Councilman Robert Weiner (R-Chatham) said allowing doing so could make the county vulnerable to lawsuits.

“Given the Constitutional protection given to freedom of speech, it would be difficult for New Castle County to exercise any discretion into which commercial entity could take advantage of it,” he said. “For example, an adult-entertainment business could file suit if we didn’t allow them to advertise.”

County Executive Chris Coons, said he had concerns about whether advertising could be clearly delineated from county services, and whether the ads could create a perceived conflict of interest if the company does business with the county.

It seems odd to question the propriety of advertising on the County site when there are plenty of regulations for what can and cannot be advertised on a billboard or on the side of a bus. I don’t think that DART is drowning in lawsuits from porn companies who want to advertise their lastest in one of those crazy wrap ads.

Personally, when I am going to the County’s website, I am going there for taxpayer business and information and I presume that the taxes that I already pay go to make this information accessible. I’ve already paid for this information — soliciting more funds to just do what ought to be a baseline seems silly. But — listen up NCCo — you could sell this as a way to pay for live streaming and long-term web access to video of County Council and Committee meetings. And then implement it. It wouldn’t that much effort or money, really.

(h/t anon friend)

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