Delaware Liberal

Hurricane Charlie (Or How To Win Votes In The New Republican Party)

No, that’s not the name of the storm after Bill – It’s Charlie Crist’s new approach to the Religious Right.

Town Hall reports that Crist was speaking to a group of real estate agents, and credited prayer notes in the Western Wall in Jerusalem with preventing his state from being hit by hurricanes during his time as governor.

Crist told of how he visited the Wall in 2007, and placed a note saying: “Dear God, please protect our Florida from storms and other difficulties. Charlie.”

Now, Charlie doesn’t take credit for stopping hurricanes from hitting his state – he modestly lets God have the glory, but, but, but… what if he hadn’t written that note?


And stupid.  I am tired of this nonsense.  For while I don’t always agree with Crist he’s always struck me as reasonable.  Reasonable:  A word that cannot be applied to the new GOP in any way, shape or form.  I’m not kidding.  Pick a topic – the economy, health care, education, citizenship, etc – and then tell me the Republican position.  Explain to me why any sane person should take them seriously?

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