Bill Maher Covers the Health Insurance Debate
Smart, funny and some of the language is NSFW. Dana Gould really hits the heart of what passes for the debate on this right now — lots of yelling a spittle on whatever the wingnut fear and resentments are and then there are the people just trying to take care of themselves.
From Crooks and Liars.
The United States is “like a third-world country” when it comes to healthcare.
Bill Maher is right: “That says a lot.”
Bill Maher said a lot more than that. Comparing the europeans and other countries to workers in America who dont get paid sick days or vacation days. While Europeans have a higher quality of life enjoying all that time with their families relaxing. Americans work hard and then buy all the stuff they don’t need instead of saving up for a vacation. Gimme some of that socialism!
A town hall meeting in Mississppi this morning. You want to hear some of the dumbest, ignorant, conversatives in the nation, should have tuned in. The Blue dog demorat said, “he will never support a public option, will not support any Obama Care”. While the audience was 98% elderly, these fools were demanding he not support any Obama Plan. Mr. Blue Dog assured them he would not. Always thinking about that next election rather than what is right for all the american people. Why dont these blue dogs just change parties and stop the pretense?
These are just SOME of the LIES and contradictions the Obamnation are spewing when they try to see you THEIR Health Care boondoggle. Snake Oil peddlers the lot of them
Abortion is not covered in the bill. Women’s reproductive rights is covered.
Illegal immigrants are not covered in the bill. The bill covers all uninsured people.
The plan is going to save us money. The bill provides free health insurance for all (45.7 million) uninsured people.
You can keep current health plan. If your employer cancels your plan you must move into the gov’t plan.
The plan is going to fix the economy and the deficit. The plan will cost somewhere between 1 to 3 trillion the first 10 yrs.
There’s a crisis. The plan needs to be passed before August. The plan doesn’t begin until 2013.
There will be no cuts in Medicare. Reimbursements for Medicare will be cut.
The public option will not compete with private insurers. The gov’t option will provide a competitive option.
Republicans are lying and misleading the public. Obama is the biggest liar of all.
Nice cut and paste anoni.
Indeed — and of course he can’t source any of this. You know — in the bill. Because then we go off and debunk all of it.
Isn’t interesting that the folks screaming about legislators not reading the bill, won’t practice what they preach? But it is anoni — wrong all of the time and lying all of the time.
Anoni got upset at me one time when I kept asking him or her to give the link to the bill, page, section of whatever he or she was pushing. Anoni told me to look it up myself! LOL! I wasn’t the one making claims about what was and wasn’t in the bill. Oh yeah, anoni’s “sources” are “news” organizations like Fox, The Washington Times and Newsbusters.
anoni gets his poll data from Rasmussen as well.
It really is pointless to try to rebut the “points” made by people like that. Any one of us could go line by line and debunk it, but it would not stop him from re-pasting the same thing tomorrow (like Protack and his CBO/Mayo Clinic nonsense). It’s like trying to counter IDers by citing fossil and geological evidence of evolution or the age of the Earth — you just get a “Well, God put them there” thrown back at you. As a great Long Island philosopher once said, “You should never argue with a crazy mind….”
Most of us ignore cut-and-paste anoni. Until anoni shows proofs of his or her allegations by giving a link to the actual part of the bill, we’ve been ignoring him or her.
I was about to suggest that maybe Anoni didn’t know how to paste a link, but I see that he/she does.
Seriously, if you take away Republican lies… what do they have left?
and then anoni posts a link that is total garbage.
I don’t understand why are we trying to fix our health coverage and not the illegal immigrants and welfare system? I see lots of abuse on welfare which provide way better coverage and SSI benefits than medicare. Does it make sense to you, people never lived in the USA, never worked for a USA government or USA companies overseas and get better beneftis that USA worker citizens. Preganant women come to USA deliver their babies with our tax money and the birth cirtificate give the babies citizenship and then we have a problem because parents need to stay with their kids. Why this country is so messed-up with their legal system and all these wasted money on foreigners. I’m a legal citizen who immigrated long time ago when we used to have immigration law. I see so many abused within my community and other communities around. Please talk about these issues before talking about health coverge. I’m sure if we fix medical/medicate/SSI and immigration law everything else will get better. We opened the door so wide to anyone wants free benefits. How many visas are around allowing people to come to USA and stay. We have the lottery, refugee, students who never leave, visitors visa for 10yrs, crossing the borders, etc… One senator told me once there’s no immigration anymore, it stopped years ago. He was looking into passing a bill for an illegal high school student to have UC pay his tuition and he wanted him to get financial aid. I was paying 45,000/yr for my daughter and I’m a single working mom.
and the moon is made of cheese, anoni!