Senator Kaufman Live Chat at the NJ TODAY

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009

Senator Kaufman will be taking questions via live chat at the NJ at 3:30 TODAY.

If this works like the one they did with Senator Carper, you can type in your questions as the interview is in progress, and the NJ editor will pick and choose the questions. The Carper one worked better than I thought it did, but it was awfully short — just a half hour. And I thought some of the answers could have used stronger followup to focus Carper’s answers.

But check in if you can.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (9)

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  1. donviti says:

    “If I go 88mph in my Delorean, can I really travel in time?”

  2. Someone ask about the use of reconciliation for health care reform.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Senator Kaufman – Do you know any inside dirt or secrets about Tom Carper that we can threaten to expose to try and counter the corporate influence that Carper currently protects?

  4. anon says:

    Senator Kaufman – What size NASCAR jacket does Senator Carper wear? Shhh… it’s a surprise.

  5. donviti says:

    when you vote on stuff how do you balance the interest of US citizens vs those of big business and the other interests that seem to control your peers

  6. anon says:

    Kaufman chat log:

    Sen. Kaufman on health care

    Sen. Ted Kaufman is here, and we’re about to get started. Please post you questions and comments.
    [Comment From David Engelhardt]
    Please explain how prescription coverage is funded under Medicare Part D when the approx. $2500 threshold is reached for the donut hole. After the $5000 threshold (expenses for insuror and insured) is reached, does the federal government pay 100% of the reimbursed amount of the drugs?
    [Comment From Mary Monteleone]
    What is your position on cutting Medicare for nursing homes?
    [Comment From Denise Hindes]
    The current health care plan on the table would potentially overwhelm the healthcare delivery system hence the rationing logic. It takes upt to 14 years to make a doctor. My question is what will you do to ensure we will have enough physicians to meet the new increased demand. this is a point my friends and i often discuss.
    [Comment From Lee R]
    I am 69 years old and paying $258.50 per month for Medicare and Supplemental coverage. This is in addition to the payroll taxes that I paid for most of my working life. Do you believe that the general public expects that a “Medicare” expansion as a public option would be free of individual premiums and co-payments? If you support the public option would you be a supporting this concept of a “free” access medical care? How would this impact current Medicare participants?
    [Comment From Michelle]
    with 80% of American’s happy with their private health care insurance companies health plans and all the goverment run public programs going bankrupt why would congress even consider tipping the scales. Any goverment system, including the co-op plans propsed will drive out private industry, which is the source of choice, competition and quality.
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Senator Kaufman the Administration believes that approximately $600B of savings exists in Medicare and Medicaid that can be used to fund a new health care entitlement. Do you agree with that projection? If you agree that savings can be achieved would it not be better to allow those savings to accrue to Medicare and Medicaid since they are almost bankrupt.
    [Comment From Mac S]
    The govenment currently controls Medicare. It’s costs are going up along with private insurance. How will expanding the public option will decrease costs if Medicare cost under govenment controll are not going down?
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Senator Kaufman HR#3200 starting at page 910 would create Public Health Workforce Corp. This legislation includes forming a military style organization with commissioned Regular and Reserve Officers. Do you agree this program is necessary and if so would it be populated with volunteers or would it require a draft?
    [Comment From David Engelhardt]
    I believe the public option will not drive private options out-of-business since medical care and insurance competition involves not only cost, but also scope of coverage.
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Senator Kaufman would you please provide an analysis of the “50 million” uninsured and a estimation of how many of those could be covered with out re-engineering the entire health care system.
    [Comment From Mac S]
    Will Senators keep their current healthcare plan or move to the public option?
    [Comment From Paul]
    One of the factors driving up medical cost is tort. Why isn’t tort reform part of this bill?
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Senator Kaufman would you support legislation that doesn’t contain specific language to protect healthcare providers that refuse to perform abortions?
    [Comment From Bill]
    I am very happy with my retirement employee insurance, cost is good and I am not worried about the cost increasing, unless this administration is the reason for the increase!
    [Comment From Rob]
    The financial market was and is broken and the fed govt is trying to “fix” it by infusing billions of $’s. If the health system is broken how can the fed govt fix it by reducing spending (Medicare) and adding competition to the commercial insurance market that will end up reducing payments to hospitals and physicians?
    [Comment From cbjames]
    Why not a proper Town Hall Meeting instead of Video Conf.?
    [Comment From Jo]
    I have insurance with my empyoner but found out after a complication with surgery that it had a very low yearly cap. My portion of the bill is now over $19,000. What would my options be to get additional coverage without much higher cost? I am divorced and already work two jobs just to make ends meet.
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Senator Kaufman HR#3200 starting at page 910 would create Public Health Workforce Corp. This legislation includes forming a military style organization with commissioned Regular and Reserve Officers. Do you agree this program is necessary and if so would it be populated with volunteers or would it require a draft?
    [Comment From John D.]
    Will you vote for a public option that requires taxpayer-funded abortion?
    [Comment From cbjames]
    Yes, but what about talking to the people who elect?
    [Comment From Rick S]
    Saving money is all well and good, but please keep in mind that the flow of money is GOOD for the economy. Healthcare is a big industry that employes many thousands of people in the U.S. People will lose their jobs as a result of healthcare reform. I wonder how you or anyone will feel when it’s your job, or the job of a friend/relative that is lost.
    [Comment From Paul ]
    Your claim that there are about 46million peole without health insurance has come under scrutiny. This apparently includes 15-20 million illegal immigrants. Why are we including illegal immigrants in the bill?
    [Comment From Rich]
    Government programs are bankrupting america already, the proposed goverment plan is unsustainable, and will also need a bailout and cannot be funded especially with our trillion dollar deficit
    [Comment From Mac]
    Again you already control Medicare and Medicade, why will expanding this to cover all drive costs down?
    [Comment From cbjames]
    The only way to reduce costs is to eliminate care
    [Comment From Lee R]
    You dismissed tort reform since the cost of defensive medication is a significant factor it needs to be capped!
    [Comment From cbjames]
    HC will bankrupt! Aren’t we already bankrupt?
    [Comment From Jim S.]
    One of the best ways to reduce costs is Tort reform. Why are you dismissing it?
    [Comment From Edith Coleman]
    I have heard concern expressed along the lines that few lawmakers have read the very lengthy health care bill. How can I respond?
    [Comment From cbjames]
    Allow h.c. to sell across State lines!
    [Comment From Bill]
    How is the fraud in Medicare and Mediaid and Social Security going to be fixed?
    [Comment From john]
    Private insurance Health savings accounts allow personal responsibility, accountability, and free market competition that would lower health care costs and alow choice
    [Comment From Lee R]
    Fix what is broken don’t re-engineering the whole system.
    [Comment From David Engelhardt]
    Are end-of-year rebates to insurers from drug manufactuers allowed under Medicare Part D? If not, cost savings could be achieved by not allowing artificially high drug prices prior to rebates accelerating entry into the donut hole and federally subsidized catastrophic coverage. Rebates only help the insuror and drug company, since the price without rebates is charged the insured and the federal government.
    [Comment From Ken D.]
    Whay pay for anything? Why not focus on cost reduction in the health care market place?
    [Comment From Rick S]
    Taxing people more because they have good healthcare?
    [Comment From Denise]
    Why not have a basic healthcare plan to cover everyone and let those with the money and upper income pay for their additional plans with after tax money
    [Comment From Ken D.]
    How will those that don’t pay taxes pay their fair share of the health care costs?
    We’re wrapping up the live interview. Thank you for your questions. We will be hosting a live discussion with Rep. Mike Castle on Thursday at 10:30 a.m.

  7. anon says:

    Very disappointing; Kaufman says he would support a bill without a public option.

  8. There’s a whole lot of wingnut in those questions.

  9. anon2 says:

    Re: Afganistan: Senator what is the exit plan? Lets be fair democrats. If Bush were still in power and escalating the war in Afganistan, we would be all over it.

    What are we doing there? Who is the enemy? Are we not creating more enemies by our very presence there? Lets hope he doesnt change his mind and run for Senator. Put him in the category of “three blind mice”.