Same as the Old Boss?

Filed in Delaware by on August 27, 2009

Brandywine School District has announced that Dr. Mark Holodick, principal of Concord High School, is the sole finalist for the superintendent position in the Brandywine School District left vacant when Dr. James Scanlon left, reports The Community News.

With a child in the Brandywine School District, I was saddened when Scanlon said he was leaving. He along with the administration and the teachers of Brandywine School District did a lot of great work over the last seven years. My hope is that Holodick will continue the good work that has been going on as well as bring in new ideas that will engage the students, the parents and the staff.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (16)

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  1. pandora says:

    My oldest attends Concord and I have nothing but praise for Mark Holodick. I really liked Scanlon, and hope Holodick continues on the same path.

  2. El Somnambulo, aka “The Old Guy”, umpired Mark Holodick in Little League and Senior League baseball (‘Bulo thinks Eisenhower was President then…).

    He was a classy kid, and everything he’s done since demonstrates his integrity, his sincerity, and his professionalism. Plus, he’s from the ‘hood.

    The only question, one that cannot be answered until he gets the opportunity, is whether he’s prepared for such a huge task. ‘Bulo isn’t betting against him.

  3. nemski says:

    I’m liking what I’m hearing so far.

  4. John Manifold says:

    On related topic – The state subsidizes private schools by paying transportation costs. Why wasn’t this on the table during budget-cutting time?

    If you can afford $20,000 to send your kid to Field Hockey Prep, you probably don’t need a $500 rebate from the state.

  5. Geezer says:

    “If you can afford $20,000 to send your kid to Field Hockey Prep, you probably don’t need a $500 rebate from the state.”

    This kind of specious reasoning can be employed in all sorts of ways you would disagree with, JM. And its obvious obverse — since those parents are saving the state approximately $14,000 per student (counting construction costs, not just operating costs), the state owes them a bigger check than $500 — is both more logical and more fair.

    Not to mention that the sum is more like $200, not $500. I already got fucked because my kid had to take drivers’ ed. If you want to fuck the rich, go after them directly, please. Oh, that’s right, you DLC Dems wouldn’t dare do that — it might cost you votes.

  6. John Manifold says:

    Sorry to see you get so upset over your subsidies, Geezer. BTW, your accounting is nuts.

    I always thought the school-transportation subsidy was a sop to the Diocese of Wilmington and the anti-busin’ crowd.

  7. anon says:

    The state also subsidizes school nurses for private schools. Not that I am against school nurses but it is irritating when the anti-public school crowd then chortles about how private schools can operate at a lower cost.

  8. Geezer says:

    Good idea to attack me instead of my point, John. What would you have responded if I hadn’t acknowledged first-hand experience with your philosophy, the only intellectual underpinning to which is “let’s soak these folks because we can.” How proud you must be to be a Democrat.

    I’m not upset over my “subsidies,” John. I”m upset that you represent Democratic Party thinking in Delaware. It’s your kind of thinking that has given us that monument to corporate-coddling triangulation, Tom Carper.

    My accounting, by the way, is plain for anyone to see. We spend between $11,000 and $12,000 per student on operating costs, and the capital costs bring it to more than $14,000 per student. These figures are widely available. Yours?

  9. Geezer says:

    “The state also subsidizes school nurses for private schools.”

    More than 20,000 Delaware students attend private or home schools. Let’s lowball it at 20,000, and for simplicity’s sake pretend that it would cost $10,000 instead of $14,000 to accommodate each of them in public school. That’s $200,000,000 annually — two hundred million for those who have trouble with all those zeroes — the state avoids spending.

    If I were interested in recouping my costs, I’d be lobbying for vouchers, which I don’t support. If John the Greasemonkey wants to take $500 (actually less than half that amount) from those parents, fine. But spare me the pretense that there’s anything but power politics (and sucking teachers’ union dick) behind the proposal.

  10. Another Mike says:

    The transportation subsidy is a pittance, less than $200 (per family, not per child). Compare this with neighboring Pennsylvania, where the public school districts are required to provide transportation to all students regardless of where they go to school up to 10 miles from the students’ homes. The same is true in New York and I believe New Jersey.

    If my reading of the state code is correct, nonpublic school students are entitled to the same transportation policies as public school students. It seems the nonpublic schools have chosen a reimbursement over bus service. (Title 14, Chapter 29, Section 2905).

    Maryland and a host of other states provide money to nonpublic schools to buy textbooks. That doesn’t happen here. Some states fully fund nurses; here, it is about 4 days’ worth in Delaware.

    My wife and I work hard to send our kids to nonpublic schools. It is nothing against the public schools; we were looking for a faith component to their education, which obviously cannot exist in a public school.

  11. John Manifold says:

    Geezer, who routinely soils these pages with unprintable invective for all manner of disagreements, great and small, whimpering about his hurt feelings and bellowing about DLC [huh? they love subsidies to private schools].

  12. Geezer says:

    Once more, John, not a word to support your plan. You’re pathetic.

    Feel free to point out evidence of my hurt feelings. The same amount of evidence you always present: None. And the next useful thing you post will be, by my count, the first. But hey, you never curse! Do you beat your wife like your hero Tom?

  13. Belinsky says:

    The neighborhood can get rancid when Geezer’s painkillers wear off.

  14. Geezer says:

    Belinsky: Aren’t you the one who shows up whenever Carper/Carney needs a boost? Blow away.

    Don’t any of you union fools know how to argue when you can’t thug it up?

  15. Belinsky says:

    Geezer goes WATB over not getting enough kickback for sending Little Geezette to Our Lady of Mifepristone.

  16. Geezer says:

    Still nothing of any substance, I see. Can’t you muster up even ONE rational debate point? Nope, thought not.