Filed in National by on January 20, 2009



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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (27)

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  1. Eh…

    Is this a campaign site or the fucking White House home page? I mean, come on. Enough with the sloganeering.

  2. nemski says:

    Obama has warned us about people like you Mike.

    What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

    : tongue in cheek :

  3. Ugh, now you sound like Bush fanatics claiming that because I would dare criticize the former president, that I’m “unpatriotic” and that I “hate America.”

    It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit when you offer the same.

  4. I sort of agree with you however Bush and Obama are not the same product so the same schtick is not the same schtick as well

  5. nemski says:

    Relax dude — don’t you see the “tongue in cheek”. Geez.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    You should go over and wander around — it isn’t just the look that has been updated. There are RSS feeds just everywhere — which hints that they plan on using this as a routine communications tool. If they really use it as the flagship for better openness, I’m in.

  7. anonone says:

    Eh, Mike…

    He is trying to spell it out so that the morons you publish like Leo the Hater and Duminique will understand that change has, indeed, come when they go to visit the White House web site.

  8. anonone says:


    “According to Jason Kottke, the Bush administration set more than 2,400 rules to prevent search engines from indexing certain material on the site. The new Obama site eliminates nearly all of these rules.”

  9. A1,

    Re: Comment 8. Now that’s something substantial and meaningful! Thanks for that.

    As for your griping about my site, why haven’t you gotten over it? You seem to be quite hung up about it.

  10. pandora says:

    Mike, I actually don’t have a problem with Dominique’s posts. I don’t agree with her on anything, but she generates debate which is a blog’s lifeblood.

    Leo? WTF, Mike? And, yes, yes, it’s your blog, but c’mon. Leo??? He simply isn’t up to your standards. Now, go ahead and rip into me. I simply think you – and DWA – are better than what Leo consistently (and I mean consistently) posts.

    (ducking for cover in 3…2…1…)

  11. anonone says:

    As for your griping about my site, why haven’t you gotten over it?

    Just think of me as your very own anonymous coward media critic, Mike. As long as you publish the writings of religious bigots like Leo, I’ll be pointing out that “Down With Absolutes” has turned into a hate site.

    Pretty simple. I don’t get over people advocating to deny others their civil rights easily.

    I am part of the Ungrateful Nation.

  12. anon says: also has a new look!

  13. Why would I rip into you, Pandora? You’re not a constant nudge like A1, who continues his ridiculous ad hominem attacks and criticisms under the veil of anonymity. I have no problem with what you’re saying. Leo is who he is. He gets people talking. And, quite frankly, that’s all I really care about.

  14. Dana says:

    Mr Matthews: some of it is directly from the campaign site. Compare the campaign site and the White House site on taxes, just as an example.

    However, it should be noted that this is just more evidence that the outgoing Bush Administration was polite and thorough during the transition, because the White House site changed right at noon; that couldn’t have happened without the active support of the Bush Administration.

  15. anonone says:

    his ridiculous ad hominem attacks and criticisms under the veil of anonymity

    Coming from the person who probably does more profanity-laced name calling than anybody else on this site, I don’t know whether this is meant to be an insult or a compliment so I’ll assume you mean it as a compliment.

    He [Leo the Hater] gets people talking. And, quite frankly, that’s all I really care about.

    How shallow and how sad. Truly.

    Note to DL Editors: I don’t think that the hate site DWA can be considered from “The Left” on your blog roll. Clearly the preponderance of its writers are now wingnuts and religious bigots.

  16. anon says:

    Hey, it works for Fox and Limbaugh. Say something outrageous, get people talking, don’t worry about whether it’s constructive, polite or helpful.

  17. Miscreant says:

    “Say something outrageous… don’t worry about whether it’s constructive, polite or helpful.”

    That accurately describes the entire repertoire of Anonone’s *work*.

  18. I don’t like the gray on the new

    maybe some shades of blue.

  19. Delaware Dem says:


    Has anyone said Bush and his Administration was not gracious and helpful during the transition? Indeed, I credit former President Bush for that, and for setting the tone of cooperation early. It provided for a somewhat classy end to his years in office. I say “somewhat” only because of the rules he tried to get enacted at the last second and because of that ridiculous exit interview press conference.

    But in terms of the transition, Bush was very helpful and cooperative.

  20. Jason Z says:

    Cassandra, I’m only seeing the Blog Feed on the site, am I missing something?

  21. Dana says:

    DD, whether you liked his policies or not, President Bush was a class act for eight years.

  22. pandora says:

    I heard Ted Bundy had a charming personality.

  23. nemski says:

    Dana is trying to rewrite history.

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    Now that is going too far, Dana. He has at times acted petulant, childish, and has behaved like an arrogant asshole. He has also been stubborn, ignorant, and elitist. Throughout his Presidency, he engaged in manipulation and deceit to achieve his goals. Those are not the qualities of being a class act.

    Just accept my compliment about how he handed the transition without trying to rewrite his entire failed Presidency.

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, saying “you’ve covered you #ss now” to the CIA briefers trying to warn him about bin Laden was really classy. Telling the terrorists to “bring it on” was classy. Prancing around a carrier in a flightsuit in front of a “mission accomplished” banner was classy, especially when his team tried to blame the banner on the people on the ship. It was especially classy when Bush said that people were mad at him about Katrina because he didn’t land his plane there. One legacy of his presidency is that when times were tough, Bush was nowhere to be found.

    I did learn yesterday that Bush spent 1 out of every 3 days on vacation, which added up to 2 yrs. of vacation. I guess we can say that Bush was well-rested.

  26. cassandra_m says:

    Jason Z, I apologize for missing your question:
    Cassandra, I’m only seeing the Blog Feed on the site, am I missing something?

    So far, I’ve found feeds for the Blog, the Press Room, the Agenda section, OMB, the Video and Gallery sections. A couple of the White House Office sites I checked out also have RSS feeds.

    ps. I’m not sure that these are active yet. I have RSS Detector script running under Greasemonkey for Firefox which shows a button for RSS feeds on a website.