Delaware Liberal

Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Double Down

Sort of bacon-blogging:

That’s the premise behind Kentucky Fried Chicken’s latest calorie-laden creation: the Double Down Chicken Sandwich, two chicken fillets hugging cheeses, bacon and sauce, sans the bun.

KFC hasn’t released actual caloric counts, but has told media outlets such as the Huffington Post that it estimates the sandwich to weigh in at roughly 600 calories. The Vancouver Sun, however, estimates the Double Down at nearly double that number, with 1,228 calories.

I have no idea why anyone would waste good bacon on KFC chicken fillets, for cryin’ out loud. That sandwich doesn’t even look appetizing.  But since you can only get these in Nebraska and RI right now, our bacon is safe.

So spend this weekend grilling corn-wrapped bacon and enjoy life!

h/t Rsmitty and anoni

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