Meet Florida’s Next US Senator
Gov. Charlie Crist has reportedly appointed his former Chief-of-Staff George LeMieux to fill out Senator Mel Martinez’ unexpired term. Here’s a bio of the political operative turned US Senator.
He appears to be nothing more than a corporate litigator-turned-Party aparatchik.
In other words, a typical Rethug.
Tags: Charlie Crist, Mel Martinez, US Senate
Wow, you’re quick on the breaking news. I hadn’t even heard this on Twitter yet.
Really? From the bio you linked:
So, when your attorney general runs for his father’s former Senate seat next year, while having less experience than Mr LeMieux, will we see the Delaware Liberal writers denouncing him as nothing more than a “aparatchik?”
‘Bulo’s already criticized him as such. He even coined the term ‘Beaudhisatva’. While he can’t speak for other DL writers, El Somnambulo despises this concept of inheriting political office. Whether it’s Thurman Adams, Nancy Cook, Herman Holloway, the Beast Who Slumbers has been consistently critical of what he calls ‘the crack cocaine of the Delaware Way’, aka passing elective office down through one’s family.
The Miami Herald has more:
So what did we get with whats-his-name who took Fredo Biden’s place?
I think he would be called the Deputy Attorney General.
I think he meant Kaufman.
I think that the whats-his-name there is Biden’s ex-Chief of Staff. But Tom will need to do the work of letting us know how much money Kaufman is getting from the Democratic Party or how much he raised for the VP.
I call the ‘lesser ones’ who don’t run for office but keep the wheels of the Delaware Way all greased up ‘legacy bureaucrats’ (For example former mayor Dan Frawley’s son works in the A.G.’s office.)
Eh, this kind of crap happens on both sides. Kennedy wanted the law changed back so that the gov could appoint a dem in his place.
It’s funny; Kennedy pushed for the current Mass. law when he thought Kerry would be elected, and that Gov. Romney would appoint a Republican replacement. I know that it’s simple politics, but the hypocrisy is stunning.
Think of it this way — Massachusetts may decide to play by Texas Rules.
Massachusetts law is up to the government of Massachusetts. The elected officials of Massachusetts is decided by the people of Massachusetts. If the people decide that they don’t like what their legislators are doing, they’ll vote them out. This is not a hard concept.
True — and the way you get to a hypocrisy charge on this is if you really thought that a repub had a chance at winning the seat.
In Massachusetts.
Right now, the only thing on the table is an appointment to keep up with MA interests in the Senate until a special election in January. So far, I don’t see any serious proposals to just do an appointment and do away with the Special.
Romney was a Republican governor- in Massachusetts.
And when was the last time Massachusetts sent a repub to the Senate or to the House?
And don’t forget that Romney won MA by trying to run to the left of the Dems. That came back to haunt him in his Presidential race.