Question of the Day

Filed in National by on August 28, 2009

What famous Republican and potential opponent to Obama in 2012 is attributed to the following. The GOPer said that Obama’s team has brought a more practical and flexible approach. The GOPer said, “There is a sense of momentum and a desire to get things done.”

Governor Bobby Jindal. You can read all about the Obama Administration’s new look FEMA here.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Who cares about the 2012 election? The Mayan calendar (12/21/2012) and potential EMPs and slippery tubs in the home render it all moot! We’re all going to DIIIIIIEEEeeeeeee! 😯

  2. Jindal is pretty shameless. He’ll go far.

  3. nemski says:

    UI, read Liberty and Justice for All!’s post on Jindal’s lack of shame.

  4. Phil says:

    Sorry about the off topic here:

    Hey liberalgeek, ever here back from your economics friend? Oh, and what is it with the Dems wanting to own the internet? S.B. 773

  5. Tom S says:

    Was that before or after we kicked the Hezbollah out of Lebanon?