Delaware Liberal

There’s More To Civility Than Not Using Bad Words

I was going to ignore David Anderson’s post yesterday on “Culture,” but then he went and posted this nonsense – charmingly titled “Not everyone wants to be a slut.”  Seems that in David’s world there are only two types of women:  good girls and sluts.  Which shouldn’t be surprising given his sanctimonious rantings on the Sex Offender Registry thread.

As for the young woman in GA, she deserved to have a record. She was older, yet she gave oral sex in public around younger children. How can anyone not have a problem with that? At the time she was a disgusting person and so was her partner.

Notice how David states that she gave oral sex.  A few comments later he follows up with this gem.

If you can’t say “that is a disgusting human being who would do that in a public place with children present”, then you have no standards sufficient to have a civilized society.

Seriously?  Who died and left David in charge of the standards of a civilized society?  And why can’t I say they were stupid kids who did a stupid thing?

Which now brings us to his stellar post from yesterday, in which he claims:

This is the reason the Liberals spend so much attention in trying to undermine the culture. They understand that if one respects private property than the politics of greed have no play. They understand that if marriage and family are central that their freewheeling lifestyles have no support. They understand that a society with strong families doesn’t need cradle to grave government. They understand that a society which respects life over license won’t buy into secular model. The best way to protect a free economy is a strong culture. The best way to pass on a strong constitution is with a strong culture.

So according to David liberals are greedy people with freewheeling lifestyles who rely on government, have no respect for life, and are anti-religion.  Not very civil, but since he didn’t use the F-bomb I guess he gives himself a pass.  Hmm… I seem to remember the bible saying something about let he who is without sin cast the first stone and judge not, that ye be not judged.  And the writings above seem to be those of a judgmental, stone-thrower.  They are not civil.  They are insulting and pompous.

And one more thing… having religion does not make you morally or ethically superior to anyone.  It is not a trump card.  If anything, it’s the lose the argument card.

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