Archive for August, 2009

Open Thread: I Need A Hug Version

Filed in Delaware by on August 19, 2009 2 Comments

Awww…look at the puppy So comforting R.I.P. Don Hewitt, creator of 60 Minutes. Leave it to the witty people on Twitter to come up with #obamacarefacts.

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Bloggers Make A Difference!

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 4 Comments

Look what we can do when we set our minds to it! A fundraiser launched by progressive bloggers as part of an increasingly aggressive response to White House backsliding on health care reform has out-raised any such effort in the past. Donations in support of Democrats who back a public insurance option as part of […]

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What Are They For Again?

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 41 Comments

I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what value the insurance companies add at all. Seems like all they do is skim money off the top, add layers of paperwork, and then screw people when they get a serious illness.

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Health Care Reform: The Flow Chart

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 5 Comments
Health Care Reform: The Flow Chart

Nicholas Beaudrot of the blog Donkeylicious (who I met at Netroots Nation) put together this handy flow chart of what health care reform will look like: Simple and easy to understand!

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Help Cast The DE Political Blogosphere Movie

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 26 Comments

Here is something we have not tried in a while. I guess the summer slowdown and talk of identity have put me the mood to put on my casting director’s hat. Me > I’m hoping for Ron Livingston but will probably be played by Oliver Platt. Mike Castle > Steve Buscemi Tom Carper > James […]

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It’s About Time! Democrats Will Go It Alone On Health Insurance Reform

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 17 Comments

This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. The Democrats have decided to go with a Democrat-only bill for health insurance reform. Republicans have made it painfully obvious that they are not interested in any type of reform. Grassley has even said that he will vote against a bill that had everything he […]

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Tom Carper on WDEL Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 29 Comments

Senator Tom Carper is going to be taking calls live on the air at WDEL from 9 – 10am tomorrow. Don’t worry about tuning in. This is how it is going to go down. […]

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Why I know I’m doing something right

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 33 Comments

I hide out in the open people.  I was right there Saturday hamming it up in Greenville.  There was about 75 other people from various political circles and social circles right along side of me.  Slugging Twin Lakes beer after beer.  Perhaps you didn’t know that I also go to the Drinking Liberally events.  You […]

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Richard Korn to Run for State Auditor

Filed in Delaware by on August 18, 2009 35 Comments
Richard Korn to Run for State Auditor

Richard Korn has been a behind-the-scenes and in front of the curtain player in Democratic politics in Delaware for years, after moving here from Long Island. He has run for the General Assembly and for New Castle County Executive. In both Nassau County, NY and here in New Castle County, he has been successful in going to court to force both counties to better account for their cash reserves, as both counties at the time were employing questionable bookkeeping practices to produce budget surpluses. He hopes to parlay that background into a campaign for the State Auditorship.

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WSOP Main Event on ESPN Begins Tonight

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 18, 2009 2 Comments

Will Brunson’s pocket queens hold up against Nguyen’s big slick? Like me, I’m sure you’ll all be glued to the TV for this awesome sporting event. “Starting on August 18th, the Main Event will air every Tuesday night on ESPN. Each of the four starting days will receive its own two hour block of coverage […]

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Has The Death Of The Public Option Been Greatly Exaggerated?

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 30 Comments

Ezra Klein seems to think so. As long as we’re talking strategy, it’s also worth saying a bit about how these pieces fit together in the legislative process. There are three distinct phases left to complete: First, the bills have to clear the House and the Senate. That means going through committees, overcoming a filibuster […]

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Great Moments In Constitutional Interpretation

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 12 Comments

Today the Supreme Court announced a decision ordering a new trial for Troy Davis, who is on death row awaiting execution for the killing of a police officer. The conviction was based solely on witness testimony and the witnesses have now recanted. The decision was 6-2, with Scalia and Thomas dissenting from the majority. In […]

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Ugh, Brett Favre

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 38 Comments

Once again, the drama show that is Brett Favre announces his un-retirement. Brett Favre, who only three weeks ago said he planned to remain retired, changed his mind yet again Tuesday, agreeing to join the Minnesota Vikings after all. It’s the second time in two years that Favre announced he was retired, only to reverse […]

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