Archive for August, 2009

Screw Joe Lieberman!

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 14 Comments

Is anyone else as sick as I am of all these guys with gold-plated government insurance plans telling everyone else they can’t have insurance? Joe Lieberman doesn’t mind spending money for an unnecessary war in Iraq but actually helping people right here in the U.S. is just too expensive. Never mind that reform is supposed […]

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Absence of Journalism

Filed in Delaware by on August 24, 2009 5 Comments

One of our frequent targets of derision is The News Journal — from their inexplicable and often wrong keeper of the Delaware Way Mr. Ron Williams, to some of their very shallow reporting of local politics — this is a paper that doesn’t seem to know from the “paper of record”

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Early Morning Oddity

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 10 Comments

You decide – brilliant back-up plan or just plain insane? They start their meetings with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the nation’s unofficial loyalty oath. And so it was last week when Republican Party leaders met at a Springfield hotel prior to attending Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair. Republican county chairmen […]

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Late Night Video: Beyonce’s Single Ladies Spoof

Filed in National by on August 23, 2009 2 Comments

This spoof by Nic Billington of Beyonce’s Single Ladies is great. Here’s a link to Beyonce’s video if you’ve never seen it, but trust me, you don’t need to watch it. Goth’s dancing to Beyonce is enough for anyone. h/t Randy Thomas.

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Around the Horn Sunday

Filed in Delaware by on August 23, 2009 9 Comments
Around the Horn Sunday

The News Journal says our blogosphere is small. I dunno, for our state’s size, there are a lot of good writers out there with a variety of opinions, some good, some horribly misguided. I see that every week in compiling this column. And a lot of people in these blogs are doing the work the […]

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Bill Maher Covers the Health Insurance Debate

Filed in National by on August 23, 2009 16 Comments

Smart, funny and some of the language is NSFW. Dana Gould really hits the heart of what passes for the debate on this right now — lots of yelling a spittle on whatever the wingnut fear and resentments are and then there are the people just trying to take care of themselves.

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If Loving Bush Was Wrong, Marc Ambinder Doesn’t Want To Be Right

Filed in National by on August 23, 2009 12 Comments

Journalist Marc Ambinder reacts to the news that Tom Ridge admitted to politicizing terror alerts by giving the DFHs (the people who were right about Bush) another kick. The news this morning that former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge believed that President Bush and his top advisers manipulated the terror threat alert system […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-Aug. 23 Edition

Filed in International, National by on August 23, 2009 21 Comments

LEAD STORY-Miami Herald: How Cyberthief Committed ‘Heist of the Century’ Nobody does crime reporting like the Miami Herald does crime reporting. Albert Gonzalez stole to his heart’s content, while on the Secret Service payroll.  What happens when snitches go terriblyterribly wrong: On May 7, 2008, federal agents swept through Miami-Dade looking for evidence that one […]

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President Obama Highlights a Favorite Cause of Bloggers

Filed in National by on August 23, 2009 11 Comments

At his Town Hall at the DNC the other day, President Obama took notice of how dysfunctional the media’s role has become:

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Late Night Video — Quentin Tarantino Edition

Filed in National by on August 22, 2009 3 Comments
Late Night Video — Quentin Tarantino Edition

The thing to know about QT movies is that the language is brutal and definitely in the NSFW or probably little kids category. That said, this is a video essay from Matt Zoller Seitz that is quite good — showing how his characters use language to best and dominate each other:

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Support the Billionaires

Filed in National by on August 22, 2009 0 Comments
Support the Billionaires

Make sure you watch this all the way through the credits — nicely done! [youtube][/youtube] h/t Bob Cesca, who also notes that one of the organizing tenets of the C Street “Family” is: about a Calvinist interpretation of the New Testament as a divine mandate for the acquisition of wealth, and government ought to be […]

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Star Trek — The Exhibition

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 22, 2009 1 Comment
Star Trek — The Exhibition

I had no idea this was going on!

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‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses: Jason330 Edition

Filed in National by on August 22, 2009 7 Comments

You reallyreally thought the Beast Who Just Can’t Help Himself would pass up this opportunity? Even though ‘bulo wants Jason back, there are some bridges too far. No, not Jason’s return, but the featuring of Player’s “Baby Come Back, aka the Swifter Mop Song” here. Besides, JMY has already used that one: [youtube][/youtube] Ray Charles: […]

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