Delaware Liberal

Donning my skeptical hat

It was pretty easy to pick apart a Bush loyalist especially when they would put out vague statements and watch the media lap them up. Well, here we have an Obama guy doing the same thing, and, well, the same thing happens.

Responding to criticism from former Vice President Cheney that President Obama is making the nation more vulnerable to terrorism, the president’s National Security Adviser, Gen. Jim Jones (Ret.), told ABC News in an exclusive interview that actually the reverse is true: President Obama’s greater success with international relations has meant more terrorists put out of commission.

First warning goes off, When I hear “exclusive”. Meaning, they called ABC and said they will give them an exclusive. Then low and behold, the reverse is true and O is safer and more effective than W. Shocking.

“This type of radical fundamentalism or terrorism is a threat not only to the United States but to the global community,” Jones said. “The world is coming together on this matter now that President Obama has taken the leadership on it and is approaching it in a slightly different way – actually a radically different way – to discuss things with other rulers to enhance the working relationships with law enforcement agencies – both national and international.”

Key word that jump out “leadership”,”radically”, “different”. Look, O talks with people. W didn’t. Good vs. Bad.

Jones said that “we are seeing results that indicate more captures, more deaths of radical leaders and a kind of a global coming-together by the fact that this is a threat to not only the United States but to the world at-large and the world is moving toward doing something about it.”

The former Marine General didn’t provide any specific numbers to back up his claim, but he said “there is an increasing trend and I think we seen that in different parts of the world over the last few months for sure.” He added that he was not “making a tally sheet saying we are killing more people, capturing more people than they did — that is not the issue.”

Another siren is sounding. A factless statistic. And he backs up his statistic by saying what? That he isn’t tracking the numbers? WTF?

But the numbers are going up, he said. “The numbers of high value targets that we are successfully reaching out to or identifying through good intelligence”

Ok, so let me get this straight? The numbers you aren’t tracking or tallying are going up? And you know this because….

from both the CIA and intelligence agencies from US allies has made the difference, he said. “We have better human intelligence; we know where the terrorists are moving. Because of the dialogue and the tone of the dialogue between us and our friends and allies…
the trend line against terrorism is positive, and that’s what we want. If we have a positive trend line we have a safer country.”

Ok, so again, no data, no score card, no tallying, but we are trending up?

Jones made his comments the day after Mr. Cheney said he has “serious doubts” about the extent to which President Obama “understands and is prepared to do what needs to be done to defend the nation.” Cheney assailed the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to begin a preliminary investigation into whether any CIA officers went beyond what they were told was legally permissible in interrogating detainees.

Ahhhhhh, there it is. After Cheney made his comment. Now we know what this “exclusive” meeting was all about.

Later on in the post we get this nug

“We are doing everything to make this country safe every single day,” Jones asserted.

GRRRRRRRRR, we are tough and kill people too! Safe, strong, leadership! O! Hoorah!

“We’re a nation of values,” he told ABC News. “I was on active duty when these techniques were used. I was surprised and disappointed.” The United States, he said, isn’t “known as a country that tortures people.”

Uh, you were on active duty when these things occurred and didn’t do shit about it? HELLLOOOOOOOOOO!

We are a nation of values but we just don’t prosecute or hold people accountable when they go against our “values” (wink, wink)

Politics, aint it grand?

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